I am using the Elasticsearch's 8.x Java API client for indexing documents to Elasticsearch. While indexing, I'm specifying an ingest pipeline to be executed during data ingestion.
public Mono<IndexResponse> addContent(RequestDoc requestDoc) {
IndexRequest<ContentTransformedModel> indexRequest = IndexRequest.of(request -> request
return reactiveElasticsearchClient.index(indexRequest)
e -> Mono.error(new ElasticsearchPublishException(ES_INDEX_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e)));
I want to move this implementation to Spring data elasticsearch. Is it possible to configure ingest pipelines for indexing documents in Spring data elasticsearch?
Rather than considering about ingest pipeline you can use default.ingest_pipeline
in index settings and it will affect each new indexing request. After put
this settings, you just need to push the data. https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/ingest.html#set-default-pipeline
PUT your_index_name/_settings
"index.default_pipeline": "your_ingest_pipeline_name"