
How to make HTMLLabel() work in Pyglet 2.0?

The section "Displaying text" of the official pyglet document (, gives an example of how to use HTMLLabel(). The example works in pyglet 1.5.28 but not in pyglet 2.0.15. Weirdly enough, HTMLLabel() does not raise an error --e.g. "pyglet.text has no method HTMLLabel()" (or something similar) as it is usually the case-- i.e. it is accepted by v2.0, only nothing is shown in the pyglet window. Below is a simple but fully workable code in which I added whatever is needed to run that example:

import pyglet
from import *

window = pyglet.window.Window(200,200)
glClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1)

# The following 4 lines are copy-pasted from the document 
label = pyglet.text.HTMLLabel(
    '<font face="Times New Roman" size="4">Hello, <i>world</i></font>',
    x=window.width//2, y=window.height//2,
    anchor_x='center', anchor_y='center')

def on_draw():

Here's the output produced by v1.15:

enter image description here

Running the same code with v2.0 shows an empty window.

I have searched the Web extensively but could not find not a solution, but even what is the problem. Not even near. So, I hope that someone in here does have a solution for using HTML text as a label (or in any other way) in v2.0.


  • This looks like a bug in pyglet, introduced in version 2.0.12.

    If you downgrade to version 2.0.10, your code will display the HTML text:

    pip install --force-reinstall -v "pyglet==2.0.10"

    You should create a bug report.