When trying to use build validation on Pull Request, I have added a pipeline (Tested and Working Manually) which is stored on different branch.
Then the Pull Request is started, I cannot see any advancement on Pipeline and the "Queue" button is grayed for several minutes and return to the same state. See image:
Pressing the "Queue" does not help as the pipeline did not start. Working on Azure DevOps Services with Git Repo on Azure Repos.
I have removed any limitations from the YAML (no trigger or branch restriction).
See YAML below
- repository: self
type: git
name: GIT/aGit
ref: refs/heads/dev/prbase
- job: Phase_1
displayName: Agent job 1
timeoutInMinutes: 90
name: W10VS2022
- checkout: none
fetchDepth: 1
lfs: true
persistCredentials: True
- task: PowerShell@2
name: Task1
displayName: Stop All
targetType: inline
script: >-
Write-Host "Stop all C:\install"
Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.Path -like "c:\install*"} | Stop-Process -Verbose
When trying to use build validation on Pull Request, I have added a pipeline which is stored on different branch.
The cause of the issue is that the YAML file of pipeline is stored on different branch. I can reproduce the same issue when I do the same thing.
If I change the pipeline to the one which the YAML file is stored on the source or target branch of the pull request, the pipeline will run as normal. Then, we can check the successful run and find that in the checkout step, it is Checkout reponame@refs/pull/{pullrequestID}/merge to s
So, the run triggered in build validation will use the source code of the pull request(@refs/pull/{pullrequestID}/merge
). This make sense as the purpose of build validation is to check if the code in the pull request is good enough to merge.
Back to your case, when the YAML file of pipeline is stored on different branch, this YAML file is not in the file list of the pull request. So, the pipeline will not run as YAML file doesn't exist.