
How to correctly create a Bicep governanceRules template?

I want to create a governanceRule using Bicep (

Following the above documentation, I started out with the bare minimum (just the required properties with hard-coded values). Though, no matter what I try every request returns an errorcode (Code:BadRequest) without any indication what is wrong with the request. So it seems to be trial and error (only errors so far) here.

I am mostly unsure about the conditionSets. The documentation talks about examples The governance rule conditionSets - see examples, yet I have not been able to find any example. The only example I could come up with is the one I added in the template below. It is generated by ChatGPT, so I am hesitent to accept this as a valid value.

Does anyone have a link to further documentation so I can setup this template correctly?

resource governanceRule 'Microsoft.Security/governanceRules@2022-01-01-preview' = {
  name: 'sampleRuleName'
  properties: {
    displayName: 'Sample Governance Rule'
    description: 'This is a sample governance rule for demonstration purposes.'
    ownerSource: {
      type: 'Manually'
    rulePriority: 1
    ruleType: 'Integrated'
    sourceResourceType: 'Assessments'
    conditionSets: [
        query: 'type eq "Microsoft.Security/complianceResults" and properties.state eq "NonCompliant"'


I have tried to get this working with the link supplied by @wenbo. This link gave me useful insights and now I am sure I can create a valid template.

The deployment still fails, but at least now I know this is due to some issues at the end of Microsoft.


  • I find one example for you, reference

    Your conditionSets seems not be in the correct pattern. Follow the sample code condtionSets

    targetScope = 'subscription'
    param disableManagerEmailNotification bool = false
    param disableOwnerEmailNotification bool = false
    param description string
    param displayName string
    param isDisabled bool = false
    param isGracePeriod bool = true
    param ownerSourceType string
    param ownerSourceValue string
    param remediationTimeFrame string = '7.00:00:00' //default 7 days
    param rulePriority int
    param ruleType string = 'Integrated'
    param sourceResourceType string = 'Assessments' 
    resource governanceRules 'Microsoft.Security/governanceRules@2022-01-01-preview' = {
      name: displayName
      properties: {
        conditionSets: [
            conditions: [
                    value: [
                    property: 'properties.metadata.severity'
                    operator: 'In'
        description: description
        displayName: displayName
        governanceEmailNotification: {
          disableManagerEmailNotification: disableManagerEmailNotification
          disableOwnerEmailNotification: disableOwnerEmailNotification
        isDisabled: isDisabled
        isGracePeriod: isGracePeriod
        ownerSource: {
          type: ownerSourceType
          value: ownerSourceValue
        remediationTimeframe: remediationTimeFrame
        rulePriority: rulePriority
        ruleType: ruleType
        sourceResourceType: sourceResourceType