I would like to execute below curl command in my gradle.kts Script. Tried gradle task but command not executable with error [pid=1991, exitValue="Not exited"].
curl -v -H Content-Type:text/plain --upload-file mapping.txt --user Example+account:Example-License-Key-4e8ec2ae6cfe https://api.eum-appdynamics.com/v2/account/Example+account/com.example.networklogger/1/proguard-mapping
I have tried this approach with below Gradle task and expecting to execute curl command.
val command = "curl command URL"
Finally for the answer after long dig deep.
Did follow this curl command
tasks.create(name: "uploadMappingFileToAppDynamics") {
doLast {
exec {
val sourcePath = "${outputsDir)/mapping/selectableEnvironmentRelease/mapping.txt"
commandLine = Listof("curl",
"Proxy URL",
"Content-Type: text/plain",
} }