I just followed a course on Blazor .NET 8 from iamtimcorey.com
I want to create a dropdown form using the InputSelect option from the native form. But I cannot figure out how to populate the dropdown using a column from my model that comes from my SQL database. The example on the course was with a custom list and I cannot fill the gaps with my limited knowledge.
I want to use data from this model:
I have two stored procedures to interact with the database. One of them gets all the data.
The other one gets only two columns: distinct NoFacture
(so those numbers do not repeat in the dropdown) and the customer that is linked to that NoFacture
means invoice number).
Stored procedures called from Blazor App
I want to list all the NoFacture
on the dropdown using the GetCommandesToShip()
On my Razor component / page, I initialized an empty model I want to fill with the selected NoFacture
. But I am unable to fill the InputSelect
with my data.
See this screenshot:
Dropdown creation test using Inputselect
I know there is a way to use objects, but I do not have an example and I cannot figure it out.
Here's my code from the Blazor App:
<h1>Expédition / Scanner</h1>
@if (CommandesDetails == null)
<EditForm Enhance Model="CommandeNoForm" method="post" FormName="noCommandeInput" OnSubmit="SubmitNoCommande">
<label>No de Commande</label>
<InputSelect @bind-Value="@CommandesNoForm.NoFacture">
@foreach (var comm in Enum.GetValues(Commandes.NoFacture))
<option value="@comm">@comm.ToString()</option>
@code {
private CommandesDetailsModel CommandeNoForm { get; set; } = new();
private void SubmitNoCommande()
private IEnumerable<CommandesDetailsModel>? Commandes;
private IEnumerable<CommandesDetailsModel>? CommandesDetails;
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
Commandes = await AcombaSql.GetCommandesToShip();
CommandesDetails = await AcombaSql.GetCommandesDetailsToShip();
Here's the code I ended up using and got working:
<h1>Expédition / Scanner</h1>
@if (Commandes == null)
@* <div class="spinner"></div> *@
<EditForm Enhance Model="CommandeNoForm" method="post" FormName="noCommandeInput" OnSubmit="SubmitNoCommande">
<label>No de Commande</label>
<InputSelect @bind-Value="@CommandeNoForm.NoFacture">
@foreach (var comm in Commandes))
<option value="@comm.NoFacture">@comm.NoFacture - @comm.ClientFacturation_NomClient</option>
@code {
private CommandesDetailsModel CommandeNoForm { get; set; } = new();
private void SubmitNoCommande()
private IList<CommandesDetailsModel>? Commandes;
private IList<CommandesDetailsModel>? CommandesDetails;
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
Commandes = (await AcombaSql.GetCommandesToShip()).ToList();
CommandesDetails = (await AcombaSql.GetCommandesDetailsToShip()).ToList();