
Laravel, Laravel Blade, Generation Error Exception Undefined Variable $helper when I click the home page navigations second link

I refactored my code, even so, I'm still generated the same Error Exception. I will show the old code and the refactored code. I'll also provided the error message generated by Laravel. in addition to the spaghetti code I received when troubleshooting the error with dd().

I have my own custom made helper functions that I'm using. It's a class and is injected into the home page Controller as a dependency. My helper function is then passed to Laravel Blade as a variable named helper.

The goal is to have my navigation links change to a different color if it is the currently selected and active link to that page.

When I apply the $helper variable to the first link, I get my desired result. However, the $helper variable generates the Undefined Variable $helper Error Exception on all the other links.

I used dd() to troubleshoot the error. I received a output of spaghetti code as a result.

Utilities/Helper class example - my custom helper function

* Original


namespace App\Utilities;

class Helper
  public static function activePage(string $pageUrl): string
    $requestUri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    return $requestUri === $pageUrl ? "color=var(--sky)" : "color=var(--mud)";   

* Refactored


namespace App\Utilities;

class Helper
  public static function activePage(string $pageUrl): string
    return Request::is($pageUri) ? "style=color:var(--sky)" : "style=color:var(--mud)";   

Controller/Home Action example


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Http\Controllers\BaseController;
use App\Utilities\Helper;
use Illuminate\View\View;

class Home extends BaseController

  public function __construct(
   private Helper $helper,  

  public function index(): View
    return view('home', [
      'helper' => $this->helper::class,

Laravel Blade Template home page example

<!-- Original -->

<li class="nav-links">        
  <a href="{{ url('/') }}"         style="{{ $helper::activePage('/') }}">Home</a>
  <a href="{{ url('/services') }}" style="{{ $helper::activePage('/services') }}">Services</a>
  <a href="{{ url('/clients') }}"  style="{{ $helper::activePage('/clients') }}">Clients</a>
  <a href="{{ url('/about') }}"    style="{{ $helper::activePage('/about') }}">About</a>
  <a href="{{ url('/blog') }}"     style="{{ $helper::activePage('/blog') }}">Blog</a>
  <a href="{{ url('/contact') }}"  style="{{ $helper::activePage('/contact') }}" class="contact-link">Contact</a>

<!-- Refactored -->

<li class="nav-links">        
  <a href="{{ url('/') }}"         {{ $helper::activePage('/') }}>Home</a>
  <a href="{{ url('/services') }}" {{ $helper::activePage('/services') }}>Services</a>
  <a href="{{ url('/clients') }}"  {{ $helper::activePage('/clients') }}>Clients</a>
  <a href="{{ url('/about') }}"    {{ $helper::activePage('/about') }}>About</a>
  <a href="{{ url('/blog') }}"     {{ $helper::activePage('/blog') }}>Blog</a>
  <a href="{{ url('/contact') }}"  {{ $helper::activePage('/contact') }} class="contact-link">Contact</a>

<!-- Also tried: no error occurred, but was not able to get the color to change to var(--sky) on the second link -->

<li class="nav-links">        
  <a href="{{ url('/') }}" {{ Request::is('/') ? "style=color:var(--sky)" : "style=color:var(--mud)" }}>Home</a>
  <a href="{{ url('/services') }}" {{ Request::is('/services') ? "style=color:var(--sky)" : "style=color:var(--mud)" }}>Services</a>
  <a href="{{ url('/clients') }}">Clients</a>
  <a href="{{ url('/about') }}">About</a>
  <a href="{{ url('/blog') }}">Blog</a>
  <a href="{{ url('/contact') }}" class="contact-link">Contact</a>

Image of Error Exception

Laravel Error Message

Laravel Error Code

Generated unformatted spaghetti code when using dd()

Sfdump = window.Sfdump || (function (doc) { doc.documentElement.classList.add('sf-js-enabled'); var rxEsc = /([.*+?^${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, idRx = /\bsf-dump-\d+-ref[012]\w+\b/, keyHint = 0 <= navigator.platform.toUpperCase().indexOf('MAC') ? 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 0 of 0<\/span>

After reading the code, is there anything you think would cause an error to occur?


  • The Solution to Laravel Undefined Variable Error Exception. To keep it very simple. Each controller renders a view. So if you're working on the home page nav links and each controller renders a view for each of those links. You'll receive an Error Exception if you try to echo a variable on the other links and missing the fact that you didn't passed the variable through your other controllers first. I'll provide code examples below.

    Helper Function / Dependency

    class helper
      public static function pleaseHelp(string $param): string
        return // your code


    namespace App\Controllers;
    use App\Utilities\Helper;
    // The variable 'set' works on the rendered home page and the home nav link.
    // It will not work on the other nav links without causing the Error Exception.
    class Home
      public function __construct(
        private Helper $pleaseHelp,
      public function index(): View
        return view('home', [
          'set' => $this->pleaseHelp,
    // In order to get your nav links working on the other pages, you'll need
    // to inject your Helper Dependency into your other controller class.
    class About
      // Helper Dependency here...
      return view('about', [
        'set' => $this->pleaseHelp,
    class Contact
      // Helper Dependency here too...
      return view('contact', [
        'set' => $this->pleaseHelp,

    Laravel Blade / html

    // Link about & contact can now read the variable $set and load the page without error
      <a href="{{ url('/') }}" class="{{ $set::pleaseHelp('/') }}">Home</a>
      <a href="{{ url('about') }}" class="{{ $set::pleaseHelp('about') }}">About</a>
      <a href="{{ url('contact') }}" class="{{ $set::pleaseHelp('contact') }}">Contact</a>