I refactored my code, even so, I'm still generated the same Error Exception. I will show the old code and the refactored code. I'll also provided the error message generated by Laravel. in addition to the spaghetti code I received when troubleshooting the error with dd().
I have my own custom made helper functions that I'm using. It's a class and is injected into the home page Controller as a dependency. My helper function is then passed to Laravel Blade as a variable named helper.
The goal is to have my navigation links change to a different color if it is the currently selected and active link to that page.
When I apply the $helper variable to the first link, I get my desired result. However, the $helper variable generates the Undefined Variable $helper Error Exception on all the other links.
I used dd() to troubleshoot the error. I received a output of spaghetti code as a result.
Utilities/Helper class example - my custom helper function
* Original
namespace App\Utilities;
class Helper
public static function activePage(string $pageUrl): string
$requestUri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
return $requestUri === $pageUrl ? "color=var(--sky)" : "color=var(--mud)";
* Refactored
namespace App\Utilities;
class Helper
public static function activePage(string $pageUrl): string
return Request::is($pageUri) ? "style=color:var(--sky)" : "style=color:var(--mud)";
Controller/Home Action example
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Http\Controllers\BaseController;
use App\Utilities\Helper;
use Illuminate\View\View;
class Home extends BaseController
public function __construct(
private Helper $helper,
public function index(): View
return view('home', [
'helper' => $this->helper::class,
Laravel Blade Template home page example
<!-- Original -->
<li class="nav-links">
<a href="{{ url('/') }}" style="{{ $helper::activePage('/') }}">Home</a>
<a href="{{ url('/services') }}" style="{{ $helper::activePage('/services') }}">Services</a>
<a href="{{ url('/clients') }}" style="{{ $helper::activePage('/clients') }}">Clients</a>
<a href="{{ url('/about') }}" style="{{ $helper::activePage('/about') }}">About</a>
<a href="{{ url('/blog') }}" style="{{ $helper::activePage('/blog') }}">Blog</a>
<a href="{{ url('/contact') }}" style="{{ $helper::activePage('/contact') }}" class="contact-link">Contact</a>
<!-- Refactored -->
<li class="nav-links">
<a href="{{ url('/') }}" {{ $helper::activePage('/') }}>Home</a>
<a href="{{ url('/services') }}" {{ $helper::activePage('/services') }}>Services</a>
<a href="{{ url('/clients') }}" {{ $helper::activePage('/clients') }}>Clients</a>
<a href="{{ url('/about') }}" {{ $helper::activePage('/about') }}>About</a>
<a href="{{ url('/blog') }}" {{ $helper::activePage('/blog') }}>Blog</a>
<a href="{{ url('/contact') }}" {{ $helper::activePage('/contact') }} class="contact-link">Contact</a>
<!-- Also tried: no error occurred, but was not able to get the color to change to var(--sky) on the second link -->
<li class="nav-links">
<a href="{{ url('/') }}" {{ Request::is('/') ? "style=color:var(--sky)" : "style=color:var(--mud)" }}>Home</a>
<a href="{{ url('/services') }}" {{ Request::is('/services') ? "style=color:var(--sky)" : "style=color:var(--mud)" }}>Services</a>
<a href="{{ url('/clients') }}">Clients</a>
<a href="{{ url('/about') }}">About</a>
<a href="{{ url('/blog') }}">Blog</a>
<a href="{{ url('/contact') }}" class="contact-link">Contact</a>
Image of Error Exception
Generated unformatted spaghetti code when using dd()
Sfdump = window.Sfdump || (function (doc) { doc.documentElement.classList.add('sf-js-enabled'); var rxEsc = /([.*+?^${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, idRx = /\bsf-dump-\d+-ref[012]\w+\b/, keyHint = 0 <= navigator.platform.toUpperCase().indexOf('MAC') ? 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0 of 0<\/span>
After reading the code, is there anything you think would cause an error to occur?
The Solution to Laravel Undefined Variable Error Exception. To keep it very simple. Each controller renders a view. So if you're working on the home page nav links and each controller renders a view for each of those links. You'll receive an Error Exception if you try to echo a variable on the other links and missing the fact that you didn't passed the variable through your other controllers first. I'll provide code examples below.
Helper Function / Dependency
class helper
public static function pleaseHelp(string $param): string
return // your code
namespace App\Controllers;
use App\Utilities\Helper;
// The variable 'set' works on the rendered home page and the home nav link.
// It will not work on the other nav links without causing the Error Exception.
class Home
public function __construct(
private Helper $pleaseHelp,
public function index(): View
return view('home', [
'set' => $this->pleaseHelp,
// In order to get your nav links working on the other pages, you'll need
// to inject your Helper Dependency into your other controller class.
class About
// Helper Dependency here...
return view('about', [
'set' => $this->pleaseHelp,
class Contact
// Helper Dependency here too...
return view('contact', [
'set' => $this->pleaseHelp,
Laravel Blade / html
// Link about & contact can now read the variable $set and load the page without error
<a href="{{ url('/') }}" class="{{ $set::pleaseHelp('/') }}">Home</a>
<a href="{{ url('about') }}" class="{{ $set::pleaseHelp('about') }}">About</a>
<a href="{{ url('contact') }}" class="{{ $set::pleaseHelp('contact') }}">Contact</a>