I want to open some brave profiles and close them later. So I want to save process id's on a file and iterate them to close it. But Id returned from Start-Process is not a real Id and I can't find that process later.
I checked on command prompt and found this:
$process = Start-Process $bravePath -ArgumentList "--profile-directory=""$profile""" -PassThru
will give me 3060
. But if I run this: Get-Process -Id 3060
, I get this error:
Get-Process : Not found process with identifier 3060.
I checked this Answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/12084492/4599564 and it looks like brave is creating a new sub process on the collection of already existent brave process and closing the new one.
Is there any method to get the Id of the created brave process so I can stop it later?
Thanks to @Someone answer, I could find a solution.
It looks like Brave creates several process for each open profile. If I run this:
Start-Process $bravePath -ArgumentList "--profile-directory=""$profile""" -PassThru
Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.ProcessName -like "*brave*" }
I get this list of new brave process:
Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) CPU(s) Id SI ProcessName
------- ------ ----- ----- ------ -- -- -----------
350 33 14080 66320 10,20 4492 1 brave
171 11 2092 7680 0,00 6272 1 brave
272 21 16832 42988 0,05 10540 1 brave
299 23 25248 58416 0,16 10688 1 brave
345 29 128892 167432 1,11 15372 1 brave
306 23 12052 33520 0,13 27112 1 brave
1350 57 178412 319076 2,09 29208 1 brave
237 20 12644 27560 0,00 31348 1 brave
213 15 8316 20500 0,03 38556 1 brave
Then I had an idea: Sort them by startime and stop the first process and it worked!
$braveProcessId=Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.ProcessName -like "*brave*" } | sort 'StartTime' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select -First 1 -Expand 'id'
Stop-Process $braveProcessId-Force