Application command's locale names for Python Discord Bot (multi-lingual alias name)

According to the users' language setting, how can I make the application command's name have different names

For example, if one user sets his language of discord as English, the user can see the name of the application command in English. For another one, if another user sets his discord language as French, then the users can see the name of the identical application command in French.

To do this, I tried to utilize app_commands.locale_str but it didn't work. I think that it's because the **kwarg are passed and stored at the parameter extras so it does not impact any translation. The following code says the code example that I tried.

        fr = 'bonjour',
@app_commands.default_permissions(manage_channels = True)
async def hello(interaction: Interaction) -> None:
    await interaction.response.send_message(content='hello')

Please could anyone suggest methods to implement the command that I explained above? Or please let me know how to implement this if anyone know this method.


  • You're in the right path, you need to also create your own Translator class and handle all the translations there, example:

    import discord
    from discord import app_commands
        name=app_commands.locale_str("hello"), guild=guild
    @app_commands.default_permissions(manage_channels = True)
    async def hello(interaction: Interaction) -> None:
        await interaction.response.send_message(content='hello')
    class MyTranslator(app_commands.Translator):
        async def translate(
            string: app_commands.locale_str,
            locale: discord.Locale,
            context: app_commands.TranslationContext
        ) -> str | None:
        if == "hello":  # check command name
            if locale is discord.Locale.french:  # check locale
                return "bonjour"
        return None
    # set up your translator, e.g in setup_hook
    async def setup_hook():
        await bot.tree.set_translator(MyTranslator())
    bot.setup_hook = setup_hook

    Also, remember to sync your commands so the translation works.
