
Single Page Application Session Managment and Spring Security Backend

I have a SPA webapp and spring boot backend. I am using spring security for login ldap authentication and csrf enabled. Now I am a little confuse on how I can implement session management on SPA and make it secured.


  1. I store the user's first name, last name and login name in a cookie after a successful login in ldap. Is this ok?login name and user's name since they are not credentials.
  2. Is CSRF token enough for secured SPA? I am a little stuck on decision.

Hope to give me some light/path to take. Thanks


  • Yes, session cookie + (cookie-based) protection against CSRF are enough to authorize a SPA on a Spring backend.

    Spring session cookies are flagged with SameSite (as it should). So the only thing to do for an SPA to be authorized on a session-based backend it to serve both with the same origin: the browser will attach the session cookie to each REST request from the SPA to the backend. A few options:

    If you switch to OAuth2 and follow current recommendations for SPAs, you'll need protection against CSRF too. @j-asgarov is right in his comment: CSRF protection is needed as soon as sessions are used (and requests between an SPA and a Spring app with oauth2Login are authorized with sessions). This article I wrote can be useful for such a transition (but you probably don't need OAuth2 if all identities are held in your LDAP, and you don't need features like SSO).