What I'm trying to do is show a 3D animation asset that I downloaded from Sketchfab and imported into Xcode.
Here's a video of how the asset looks in Xcode's 3D Editor:
Then I implemented it using SceneKit and .animationPlayer. Here’s the code:
struct SceneKitView: UIViewRepresentable {
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> SCNView {
let view = SCNView()
view.allowsCameraControl = false
view.autoenablesDefaultLighting = true
view.antialiasingMode = .multisampling2X
view.backgroundColor = .clear
if let scene = SCNScene(named: "Purple_Lightning_Rainstorm.scn") {
playAnimationKeys(for: scene.rootNode)
view.scene = scene
} else {
print("Failed to load the scene.")
return view
func updateUIView(_ uiView: SCNView, context: Context) {
func playAnimationKeys(for node: SCNNode) {
let animationKeys = node.animationKeys
for key in animationKeys {
print("Node: \(node.name ?? "Unnamed"), Animation Key: \(key)")
if let animationPlayer = node.animationPlayer(forKey: key) {
} else {
print(" -> No Animation Player found for key \(key)")
for child in node.childNodes {
playAnimationKeys(for: child)
However, the animation does not play completely. It only shows once and does not finish, displaying only half of the animation. Here’s the result video:
Heres the code: https://github.com/godofsleepy/cloudproblem
Finally i found it, just add this code fix the problem
view.scene?.isPaused = false
and i already update the repo it should fix