
OpenTelemetry span exporter blocks from within tonic RPC

I want to export spans using the OpenTelemetry Protocol from inside of a tonic service. My attempts to do this seemingly result in deadlock. I've created a minimal example here. Here's a summary:

I first create the otlp tracer and integrate it with the tracing crate:

let tracer = opentelemetry_otlp::new_pipeline()
let telemetry = tracing_opentelemetry::layer().with_tracer(tracer);
let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::Registry::default().with(telemetry);

At this point, creating a tracing span and emitting an event works. I can receive and view it using this utility.

Next, I start the tonic server:

    .add_service(greeter_server::GreeterServer::new(GreeterService {}))

The RPC method is decorated with tracing::instrument, and attempts to emit an event:

impl greeter_server::Greeter for GreeterService {
    async fn say_hello(...) -> ... {
        tracing::info!("hello from server");

When I run the client, the server thread servicing the request blocks on emitting the event indefinitely.

It appears to be blocking in opentelemetry_sdk::trace::span_processor::SimpleSpanProcessor::on_end in this statement:

let result = self
    .map_err(|_| TraceError::Other("SimpleSpanProcessor mutex poison".into()))
    .and_then(|mut exporter| futures_executor::block_on(exporter.export(vec![span])));

Where am I going wrong?


  • The solution is to use the OpenTelemetry Tokio batch exporter instead of the simple exporter:

    let tracer = opentelemetry_otlp::new_pipeline()

    This requires the following feature:

    opentelemetry_sdk = { version = "0.23.0", features = ["rt-tokio"] }

    Credit to over on the Tokio Discord server for figuring this out.