
Ansible check output of command and return the incorrected value if a string matched with condition

I write a playbook to check command docker ps --all output then check if there is a names ansiblecontrol in output of line then get the value of images.

Here down is my playbook:

- name: Check and update Docker toolkit status
  hosts: dockerhost0
  become: yes
  become_method: su

    - name: Check list of docker containers in host
      command: docker ps --all
      register: docker_ps_output

    - name: Debug Docker output
        msg: "{{ docker_ps_output.stdout_lines }}"

    - name: Set fact based on command output
        toolstatus: >-
          {% set found = 'unavailable' %}
          {% for line in docker_ps_output.stdout_lines %}
            {% if 'ansiblecontroll' in line %}
              {% set parts = line.split() %}
              {% set found = parts[1] %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endfor %}
          {{ found }}

    - name: Debug toolstatus
        msg: "Toolstatus is set to: {{ toolstatus }}"

Here is the output:

TASK [Check list of docker containers in host] **************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [dockerhost0]

TASK [Debug Docker output] **********************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [dockerhost0] => {
    "msg": [
        "CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                       COMMAND    CREATED       STATUS           PORTS  NAMES", 
        "468bc9a43749  localhost/toolac.di.  /bin/bash  3 weeks ago   Up 3 weeks ago          ansiblecontrol", 
        "ad73b324913e  localhost/toolac.di.  /bin/bash  3 months ago  Up 3 months ago         acnode"

TASK [Set fact based on command output] *********************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [dockerhost0]

TASK [Debug toolstatus] *************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [dockerhost0] => {
    "msg": "Toolstatus is set to:                   unavailable"

The return value is incorrect as expected although there is string ansiblecontrol appeared in output. The return value should be localhost/toolac.di. in stead of unavailable.

What's wrong in my condition processing codes?


  • If your goal is "find the image used for the anisblecontrol container, if it exists", then the simplest solution is going to be something like this:

    - hosts: localhost
      gather_facts: false
      - name: get information about ansiblecontrol container
          name: ansiblecontrol
        register: container
      - when: container.container is none
          msg: No ansiblecontrol container exists
      - debug:
          var: container.container.Config.Image

    This relies on the community.docker collection.

    It will either successfully retrieve information about the anisblecontrol container, in which case you can get the name of the image as shown, or the value of container.container will be none.