
Angular - service request either to server1 or server2 depending in user which will login

Currently for development I have this environment config:

export const environment = {
  production: false,
  envName: 'dev',
  apiEndpoint: '' 

In the module.service.ts services I use apoEndpoint like this:

myServiceMethod1(param: any): Observable<Array<Response>>  {
  return this.httpClient.get(environment.apiEndpoint + 'rest/service/url/...');

My problem now I have to solve is, there are two servers (server1 with endpoint and server2 with endpoint - exactly ident application but with different URLs.

If a user will login, first I have to show at server1 if this user exists and if not then I have to look up at server2. And if the user is stored in database of server2 than any further request in sevices should be with If user is stored in database of server1 than any further request should be done with

My question now would be how to do this in the best way?


  • You could define an InjectionToken and provide it through a factory for all the auth modules.

    Auth Service

        import {mainServer, fallbackServer} from '@env';
        export class AuthService {
          private server: string;
          auth(credentials): Observable<unknown> {
            // resolve the server here
            // store the server in this.server

    Injection Token and Factory Provider

        export const AUTH_API = new InjectionToken<string>('');
        export const authApiProvider = {
          provide: AUTH_API,
          useFactory: () => {
            const authService = inject(AuthService);
            return authService.server;

    Then, you can provide the AUTH_API using the authApiProvider on every module. Or you might create an interceptor that injects AUTH_API and sets it to every request.


    I would encourage you to put this logic outside the client behind a proxy server and have all your requests go to the server serving your app. This will increase security and prevent you from handling CORS problems.