
Files in a Azure App Service local share are not accessible when using a public URL

I have a Azure App service (Linux) with a mounted local share from an Azure storage blob container. I followed the guide on this page. When I try to access a file in the local share via http, I get a HTTP ERROR 404. The url is

The storage mount has the following properties;

Mounted storage properties

In the SSH terminal, the storage mount is accessible.

SSH terminal

The mount are also visible when browsing the site in Kudu.

Directory browsing in Kudu

Edited: App Service config

Edited: App Service config

The blob container is set to an anonymous access level.

I applied a similar method using a Windows app service and a file share, and it was successful. For this site, I would prefer to adopt a Linux/Blob container approach.

My Linux skills are quite limited, and there might be a simple solution to my problem. I would appreciate any help.


  • Even I am unable to access the Images directly from the folder. I have even tried by uploading the images manually.

    Check the below workaround to access Images ( or any static files) from the Subfolder which is in the wwwroot directory.

    I have taken references from MSDoc,

    To access the files from the subfolder(media in your case), modify the code as below.

    app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions
        FileProvider = new PhysicalFileProvider(
               Path.Combine(builder.Environment.ContentRootPath, "media")),
        RequestPath = "/media"


    enter image description here