always reports one missing statement but the html report doesen't show what the missing statement is

I am using to measure the statement/code coverage of my test.

There are two files that are being tested:

"example_solution" contains a function "contains_negative()" that should return a boolean if any negative number is found within a list. "" is an automatically generated unit-test for "example_solution".

I run that code in my linux cli: coverage run --branch created_scripts/

And receive the report in ASCII form:

Ran 4 tests in 0.001s
Name                                    Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
created_scripts/      12      1      0      0    92%
created_scripts/        3      1      2      0    80%
TOTAL                                     15      2      2      0    88%

But the HTML reports, as shown in the images below, don't show where that one missed statement is.

My questions are:

  1. What is the one missing statement that doesn't get highlighted and how do I get rid of it?
  2. How does calculate the score? As an example, "" has 3 statements, 1 seemingly is not covered. So one would expect a statement coverage score of 66%, but why is it 80%?

This is the HTML report of the unit-test not highlighting the missed statement

Other HTML report but for the code with the same issue


  • The reports look very odd, but I also notice they are using coverage 5.5, which is quite old. Can you try with an updated version of coverage?

    As to how the total is calculated: