
Sharing same variable reference in two components doesnt works in Angular >= 15

I´ve using this method to share data between components because is more agile than observables, services or whatever method... But, I´m using on an angular 15 project and it seems doesnt work.

I have a parent component with an object variable initialized as empty object.

Parent component

exhibitor: object = {};

I have a child component with an input variable which i share reference to exhibitor parent variable

@Input() exhibitorData: object = {};

Then, i share exhihibitor parent with child in template

<app-exhibitor-child [exhibitor-data]="exhibitor"></app-exhibitor-child>

But when I change exhibitorData it doesnt affect to exhibitor parent varible.

this.exhibitorData = { 'property': changed };

I´ve been using this method for years and it doesnt work, angular is creating isolated scopes for each component or what?

EDIT: Lapsus, i need to share object and change properties of that object, not reasignin it.

Parent component

exhibitorData: object = {
    exhibitor: {},
    exhibitorId: ''

Use child component like that

<app-exhibitor-child [exhibitor-data]="exhibitorData"></app-exhibitor-child>

If I change exhibitorData.exhibitor in exhibitorChild component then I have same result on exhibitorData.exhibitor parent component.

this.exhibitodData.exhibitor = { 'property': 'changed' }

Sorry for lapsus


  • If you want to use one-way binding, you must not assign to this.exhibitorData. You have to modify the object: = changed;

    It has nothing to do with Angular. It's how pass-by-value works in JavaScript.


    function f1(obj) {
        obj = { a: 1 };
    function f2(obj) {
        obj.a = 1;
    const obj1 = { a: 0 };
    const obj2 = { a: 0 };