I'm using LS374 Latch, and I have two of them. I have captured the data that goes into the latch, and that outputs from the latch, at clock signal. I recorded the data from logic analyzer that goes to and out to the latches into a text file. I wrote a small C++ program that checks if the latch is working probably or not. here is my sample processing code, IOWR is clock signal to LS374
The problem is I get some time slices that latch are incorrect, as shown in the figure
is my approach correct of validating the data ?
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct Data {
double time;
int latchA1, latchCS1, latchCS2;
int D0, D1, D2, D3;
int IOWR;
int MPC_A1, MPC_CS1, MPC_CS2;
int MPC_D0, MPC_D1, MPC_D2, MPC_D3;
// Function to load data from a text file
vector<Data> loadData(const string& filename) {
vector<Data> dataList;
ifstream file(filename);
if (!file.is_open()) {
cerr << "Error opening file." << endl;
return dataList;
string line;
while (getline(file, line)) {
stringstream ss(line);
Data data;
char comma;
ss >> data.time >> comma
>> data.latchA1 >> comma
>> data.latchCS1 >> comma
>> data.latchCS2 >> comma
>> data.D0 >> comma
>> data.D1 >> comma
>> data.D2 >> comma
>> data.D3 >> comma
>> data.IOWR >> comma
>> data.MPC_A1 >> comma
>> data.MPC_CS1 >> comma
>> data.MPC_CS2 >> comma
>> data.MPC_D0 >> comma
>> data.MPC_D1 >> comma
>> data.MPC_D2 >> comma
>> data.MPC_D3;
return dataList;
// Function to combine Qs (Latch Outputs) into a single hex value
string combineQsToHex(const Data& data) {
// Combine Latch outputs into an 8-bit value
int latchOutput = (data.latchA1 << 6) | (data.latchCS1 << 5) | (data.latchCS2 << 4) | (data.D0 << 3) | (data.D1 << 2) | (data.D2 << 1) | data.D3;
stringstream ss;
ss << hex << setw(2) << setfill('0') << latchOutput;
return ss.str();
// Function to combine Ds (MPC Inputs) into a single hex value
string combineDsToHex(const Data& data) {
// Combine MPC inputs into an 8-bit value
int mpcInput = (data.MPC_A1 << 6) | (data.MPC_CS1 << 5) | (data.MPC_CS2 << 4) | (data.MPC_D0 << 3) | (data.MPC_D1 << 2) | (data.MPC_D2 << 1) | data.MPC_D3;
stringstream ss;
ss << hex << setw(2) << setfill('0') << mpcInput;
return ss.str();
// Function to print hex data
void printHexData(const Data& data) {
cout << "Time: " << fixed << setprecision(10) << data.time << "s\t";
cout << "Latch Output (Hex): 0x" << combineQsToHex(data) << "\t";
cout << "MPC Input (Hex): 0x" << combineDsToHex(data) << endl;
// Function to process latch data
void processLatchData(const vector<Data>& dataList) {
bool lastIOWRWas1 = false;
bool transitionDetected = false;
for (const auto& data : dataList) {
if (data.IOWR == 0 && lastIOWRWas1 && !transitionDetected) {
// Detected transition from 1 to 0
transitionDetected = true;
else if (data.IOWR == 1 && transitionDetected) {
// Detected transition from 0 to 1
string latchHex = combineQsToHex(data);
string mpcHex = combineDsToHex(data);
if (latchHex == mpcHex) {
else {
cout << "Incorrect latch at time: " << fixed << setprecision(10) << data.time << "s" << endl;
transitionDetected = false; // Reset the transition detection flag
lastIOWRWas1 = (data.IOWR == 1);
int main() {
string filename = "data.txt"; // Specify your filename here
vector<Data> dataList = loadData(filename);
if (dataList.empty()) {
cerr << "No data to process." << endl;
return 1;
return 0;
Sample Data file:
According to the datasheet Qn is valid and stable when both /OC and CLK are low. It is not clear what signal you are using for /OC, but you are reading the Q data when CLK is high which is clearly incorrect.
You need to acquire the D data on CLK 0->1 and the Q data On CLK 1->0
By capturing Q on the rising clock, you are in a device propagation race condition dependent on the asynchronous sampling of the logic analyser. The propagation time D to Q on a clock edge is 15 to 28 nanoseconds, so reading Q on the clock edge is not going to work reliably.