
Removing a table without a unique index / constraint

CREATE TABLE "lemmings" 
    "id" bigserial,
    "name" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY ("id")

CREATE TABLE "speeches" 
    "id" bigserial,
    "title" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    "year" integer NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY ("id")

No other tables exist in this schema.

The lemmings table has no unique indexes / constraints. This mean two lemmings can have the same name.

A lemming can give multiple speeches, and a speech can be given by multiple lemmings.

To clarify: a lemming can give more than one speech, and a speech can be given by more than one lemming.

Given the above, I think that the lemmings table is redundant, and the following steps should be taken:

Is my reasoning correct?


  • As you can’t (shouldn’t) have multiple values (lemming names) in a single column, you have model this with an intersection table? The fact that you only have a name attribute for lemmings doesn’t impact how you model M:M relationships