
Space Complexity of Dijkstra

I was working on some Leetcode questions for Dijkstra's algorithm and I do not quite understand the space complexity of it. I looked online but I found various answers and some were rather complicated so I wanted to know if I understood it correctly.

# initialize maxheap
maxHeap = [(-1, start_node)]

# dijkstras algorithm
visit = set()
res = 0
while maxHeap:
    prob1,cur = heapq.heappop(maxHeap)

    # update result
    if cur == end_node: 
        res = max(res, -1 * prob1)

    # add the neighbors to the priority queue
    for nei,prob2 in adj_list[cur]:
        if nei not in visit: heapq.heappush(maxHeap, (prob1 * prob2, nei))

Since I use a visit set and a priority queue to keep track of the nodes would the space complexity just simply be O(V) where V is the number of vertices in the graph? And if I had to generate an adjacency list in Python using a dict would that have a space complexity of O(E) where E is the number of edges?


  • Since I use a visit set and a priority queue to keep track of the nodes would the space complexity just simply be O(V) where V is the number of vertices in the graph?

    For what concerns the set: yes. In the worst case, the target is the last node that could be visited, and then set will in the end have an entry for every node that is reachable from the start node, so O(𝑉') where 𝑉' is the number of nodes in the connected component where you start the search. That is O(𝑉) when the graph is connected.

    For what concerns the priority queue: this is not guaranteed. As you only mark nodes as visited when you pull them from the queue, you can potentially have multiple occurrences of the same node in the queue at a given moment. The limit on the number of heappush calls is given by the number of edges. So we have a worst case space complexity of O(𝐸) for the priority queue.

    And if I had to generate an adjacency list in Python using a dict would that have a space complexity of O(E) where E is the number of edges?

    That depends on whether you create dict-keys for nodes that have no outgoing edges (with empty lists as values). If so, then it is Θ(𝑉+𝐸). If you omit keys that would represent such nodes (without outgoing edges), then it is indeed Θ(𝐸), but then your program needs to have a check whether adj_list[cur] exists or not.

    Other remarks


    def dijkstra(adj, start_node, end_node):
        # initialize maxheap
        maxHeap = [(-1, start_node)]
        # dijkstra's algorithm
        visit = set()
        while maxHeap:
            prob1, cur = heapq.heappop(maxHeap)
            if cur in visit:
            # update result
            if cur == end_node: 
                return max(res, -1 * prob1)
            # add the neighbors to the priority queue
            for nei,prob2 in adj_list[cur]:
                if nei not in visit: 
                    heapq.heappush(maxHeap, (prob1 * prob2, nei))
        return 0  # end_node not reachable