what permissions does the service principal need to enumerate user profile info i.e. department, email, etc..
I have the following assigned but get a permission error. if I assign user admin role to the app then it works. but I am uncomfortable adding that role to the app.
Note that: Connecting to Azure AD PowerShell module requires assigning of Directory Readers role (in your scenario) to the app registration along with API permissions too. Refer this blog by NoVestigeOfBeginning.
Without assigning roles I got error "Insufficient privileges to complete the operation":
To get the user profile information grant User.Read.All
application API permission:
And add active assignment of Directory readers role to the application:
I am able to fetch user's profile based on your requirement successfully:
# Define your tenant ID, application ID, and certificate thumbprint
$tenantId = "TenantID"
$applicationId = "APPID"
$certThumbprint = "CertTumbPrint"
# Connect to Azure AD using the certificate
Connect-AzureAD -CertificateThumbprint $certThumbprint -ApplicationId $applicationId -TenantId $tenantId
# Define the company name to filter by
$companyName = "ruk"
$users = Get-AzureADUser -All $true | Where-Object {
$_.CompanyName -eq $companyName -and $_.JobTitle -ne $null
} | Select-Object DisplayName, JobTitle, Mail, Department
# Export the filtered users to a CSV file
Otherwise, make use of Microsoft Graph PowerShell module as Azure AD PowerShell module will be deprecated:
application type API permissions granted to the application.# Define your tenant ID, client ID, and certificate thumbprint
$tenantId = "TenantID"
$clientId = "ClientID"
$certThumbprint = "CertThumbprint"
$companyName = "ruk"
# Connect to Microsoft Graph using client credentials and certificate
Connect-MgGraph -ClientId $clientId -TenantId $tenantId -CertificateThumbprint $certThumbprint
# Retrieve users with filtering and selecting specific properties
$filteredUsers = Get-MgUser -Filter "companyName eq '$companyName' and jobTitle ne null" `
-Select "displayName,jobTitle,mail,department" `
-CountVariable CountVar `
-ConsistencyLevel Eventual
# Output the filtered users
$filteredUsers | Format-Table -Property displayName, jobTitle, mail, department -AutoSize
Use Microsoft Graph PowerShell authentication commands | Microsoft
To get the results use Top operator:
# Define your tenant ID, client ID, and certificate thumbprint
$tenantId = "TenantID"
$clientId = "ClientID"
$certThumbprint = "CertThumbprint"
$companyName = "ruk"
$topResults = 500
# Connect to Microsoft Graph using client credentials and certificate
Connect-MgGraph -ClientId $clientId -TenantId $tenantId -CertificateThumbprint $certThumbprint
# Retrieve users with filtering, selecting specific properties, and limiting the number of results
$filteredUsers = Get-MgUser -Filter "companyName eq '$companyName' and jobTitle ne null" `
-Select "displayName,jobTitle,mail,department" `
-Top $topResults `
-CountVariable CountVar `
-ConsistencyLevel Eventual
# Output the filtered users
$filteredUsers | Format-Table -Property displayName, jobTitle, mail, department -AutoSize