I submitted a batch job:
sbatch --job-name="mybatchjob-false1" -o myoutfile_02aug2024-false1.txt myshllscrpt24_02aug2024.sh myscriptfun_01aug2024 false NA 1 /20jul2024 true NA 8 8 2 /02aug2024
where myshllscrpt24_02aug2024.sh is a pretty standard .sh file:
#SBATCH -n 24 # <--- This job will require 24 cores
#SBATCH -A genacc_q # <--- Run in the genacc_q Slurm account; this is the default account if none specified
#SBATCH --mail-type="ALL" # <--- Email your official FSU email address on all job events
#SBATCH -t 14-00:00:00 # <--- Kill this job after 14 days
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4000M
#SBATCH -C "YEAR2015,intel"
module purge
module load matlab/2023b
matlab -batch "$1($2,'$3',$4,'$5',$6,'$7',$8,$9,$10,'$11')"
The last line calls one of a few functions that take 10 inputs (one of which is myscriptfun_01aug2024.m), so the sbatch command is calling to run
where '/20jul2024' is the subfolder from which I load input files and '/02aug2024' is the subfolder to which I save output files. I have checked that this command does run in an interactive job mode.
The sbatch command led to a failure, and I checked myoutfile_02aug2024-false1.txt:
{Unrecognized function or variable 'myscriptfun_01aug20240'.
For some reason, it looks like the sbatch command adds a '0' at the end of the function name, leading a failure.
I would greatly appreciate any and all advice about what is wrong, and what to do.
Thank you!
Essentially, the sbatch command calls to run
where '/20jul2024' is the subfolder from which I load input files and '/02aug2024' is the subfolder to which I save output files. I have checked that this command does run in an interactive job mode.
The problem here is that the bash argument variables only work for single digits, $1 through $9. So, when you write $10, you're getting the first parameter with a 0 appended.
Instead, use ${10}
and ${11}