
How can I use a function and `across()` in to mutate a conditional column to a `tibble`?

For demonstrative purposes, I use a tidytuesday dataset called animal_outcomes.

My problem: I have several numeric columns in a tibble. I want to mutate a new column that sums all the columns (except the last one) and if the sum is equal to the last one the new column is 1 else 0. I'll explain further:

# Adding the example dataset
data <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load(x = "2020-07-21")
data <- data$animal_outcomes 

Now the data is like this:

> data$animal_outcomes

# A tibble: 664 × 12
    year animal_type outcome      ACT   NSW    NT   QLD    SA   TAS   VIC    WA Total
   <dbl> <chr>       <chr>      <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1  1999 Dogs        Reclaimed    610  3140   205  1392  2329   516  7130     1 15323
 2  1999 Dogs        Rehomed     1245  7525   526  5489  1105   480  4908   137 21415
 3  1999 Dogs        Other         12   745   955   860   380   168  1001     6  4127
 4  1999 Dogs        Euthanized   360  9221     9  9214  1701   599  5217    18 26339
 5  1999 Cats        Reclaimed    111   201    22   206   157    31   884     0  1612
 6  1999 Cats        Rehomed     1442  3913   269  3901  1055   752  3768    62 15162
 7  1999 Cats        Other          0   447     0   386    46   124  1501     5  2509
 8  1999 Cats        Euthanized  1007  8205   847 10554  3415  1056  6113     5 31202
 9  1999 Horses      Reclaimed      0     0     1     0     2     1    87     0    91
10  1999 Horses      Rehomed        1    12     3     3    10     0    19     0    48
# ℹ 654 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

I want to add a column that checks if the Total column is indeed a sum of all columns. Here is the outcome in my mind:

# A tibble: 664 × 13
    year animal_type outcome      ACT   NSW    NT   QLD    SA   TAS   VIC    WA Total condition # notice this last column
   <dbl> <chr>       <chr>      <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>
 1  1999 Dogs        Reclaimed    610  3140   205  1392  2329   516  7130     1 15323         1
 2  1999 Dogs        Rehomed     1245  7525   526  5489  1105   480  4908   137 21415         1
 3  1999 Dogs        Other         12   745   955   860   380   168  1001     6  4127         1
 4  1999 Dogs        Euthanized   360  9221     9  9214  1701   599  5217    18 26339         1
 5  1999 Cats        Reclaimed    111   201    22   206   157    31   884     0  1612         1
 6  1999 Cats        Rehomed     1442  3913   269  3901  1055   752  3768    62 15162         1
 7  1999 Cats        Other          0   447     0   386    46   124  1501     5  2509         1
 8  1999 Cats        Euthanized  1007  8205   847 10554  3415  1056  6113     5 31202         1
 9  1999 Horses      Reclaimed      0     0     1     0     2     1    87     0    91         1
10  1999 Horses      Rehomed        1    12     3     3    10     0    19     0    48         1
# ℹ 654 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

I tried the following code. It works but requires a lot of keystrokes, therefore, it will not work great if you have many columns:

> data$animal_outcomes %>% 
    mutate(condition = if_else((ACT + NSW + NT + QLD + SA + TAS + VIC + WA) == Total, 1, 0))

# A tibble: 664 × 13
    year animal_type outcome      ACT   NSW    NT   QLD    SA   TAS   VIC    WA Total condition
   <dbl> <chr>       <chr>      <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>
 1  1999 Dogs        Reclaimed    610  3140   205  1392  2329   516  7130     1 15323         1
 2  1999 Dogs        Rehomed     1245  7525   526  5489  1105   480  4908   137 21415         1
 3  1999 Dogs        Other         12   745   955   860   380   168  1001     6  4127         1
 4  1999 Dogs        Euthanized   360  9221     9  9214  1701   599  5217    18 26339         1
 5  1999 Cats        Reclaimed    111   201    22   206   157    31   884     0  1612         1
 6  1999 Cats        Rehomed     1442  3913   269  3901  1055   752  3768    62 15162         1
 7  1999 Cats        Other          0   447     0   386    46   124  1501     5  2509         1
 8  1999 Cats        Euthanized  1007  8205   847 10554  3415  1056  6113     5 31202         1
 9  1999 Horses      Reclaimed      0     0     1     0     2     1    87     0    91         1
10  1999 Horses      Rehomed        1    12     3     3    10     0    19     0    48         1
# ℹ 654 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

I also used the following but it returned an error:

data$animal_outcomes %>% 
    mutate(condition = if_else((ACT + NSW + NT + QLD + SA + TAS + VIC + WA) == Total, 1, 0))

Also, this one (which obviously is wrong because it sums the actual numbers 4:11):

data$animal_outcomes %>% 
    mutate(condition = if_else(sum(4:11) == Total, 1,0))

AND THIS ONE: I am not sure why sum(ACT:WA) does not return an error! And if not returning an error, what it is actually summing!!

data$animal_outcomes %>% 
    mutate(condition = if_else(sum(ACT:WA) == Total, 1,0))

# A tibble: 664 × 13
    year animal_type outcome      ACT   NSW    NT   QLD    SA   TAS   VIC    WA Total condition
   <dbl> <chr>       <chr>      <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>
 1  1999 Dogs        Reclaimed    610  3140   205  1392  2329   516  7130     1 15323         0
 2  1999 Dogs        Rehomed     1245  7525   526  5489  1105   480  4908   137 21415         0
 3  1999 Dogs        Other         12   745   955   860   380   168  1001     6  4127         0
 4  1999 Dogs        Euthanized   360  9221     9  9214  1701   599  5217    18 26339         0
 5  1999 Cats        Reclaimed    111   201    22   206   157    31   884     0  1612         0
 6  1999 Cats        Rehomed     1442  3913   269  3901  1055   752  3768    62 15162         0
 7  1999 Cats        Other          0   447     0   386    46   124  1501     5  2509         0
 8  1999 Cats        Euthanized  1007  8205   847 10554  3415  1056  6113     5 31202         0
 9  1999 Horses      Reclaimed      0     0     1     0     2     1    87     0    91         0
10  1999 Horses      Rehomed        1    12     3     3    10     0    19     0    48         0


  • You can try this:

    data %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(check = 1*(Total ==  sum(c_across(ACT:WA))))


        year animal_type outcome      ACT   NSW    NT   QLD    SA   TAS   VIC    WA Total check
       <dbl> <chr>       <chr>      <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
     1  1999 Dogs        Reclaimed    610  3140   205  1392  2329   516  7130     1 15323     1
     2  1999 Dogs        Rehomed     1245  7525   526  5489  1105   480  4908   137 21415     1
     3  1999 Dogs        Other         12   745   955   860   380   168  1001     6  4127     1
     4  1999 Dogs        Euthanized   360  9221     9  9214  1701   599  5217    18 26339     1
     5  1999 Cats        Reclaimed    111   201    22   206   157    31   884     0  1612     1
     6  1999 Cats        Rehomed     1442  3913   269  3901  1055   752  3768    62 15162     1
     7  1999 Cats        Other          0   447     0   386    46   124  1501     5  2509     1
     8  1999 Cats        Euthanized  1007  8205   847 10554  3415  1056  6113     5 31202     1
     9  1999 Horses      Reclaimed      0     0     1     0     2     1    87     0    91     1
    10  1999 Horses      Rehomed        1    12     3     3    10     0    19     0    48     1
    # ℹ 654 more rows
    # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows