I have a quiz component that renders different components but i am using single form for them, i want the validation to happen one data a time from:
export const QUIZ_SCHEMA = yup.object().shape({
radioGroup: yup.number().required('Please select an option to proceed'),
arrangedText: yup.array().length(5, 'Please answer the question to proceed'),
essay: yup
.required('Answer is required')
.min(2, 'Min 2 characters required')
.max(1000, 'Max 1000 characters allowed'),
That is when radio button component is rendered it should validate for that only and so on.
const {
formState: { errors, isValid },
} = useForm({
defaultValues: {
radioGroup: undefined,
arrangedText: [],
essay: '',
resolver: yupResolver(QUIZ_SCHEMA),
Formik does provide the following props
You can use these to customize the way you want validation to work.
I have attached the link to formik documentation below.
Hope this helps!
Click here to see official Formik Documentation