I have a problem with a piece of data as a string, and I have to check if the data exists between the stated ranges.
Note that if both ends are numbers, the comparison is not the usual number comparison. See the examples below:
I hope this helped. I am struggling to find if this kind of comparison is a known type of it and solutions that I can use already exist.
If I'm not doing a good job of explaining it properly, do not hesitate to let me know. I am happy to provide more examples
Edit In case someone has a similar problem, I found RangeTree to store the high-low values and compare incoming data.
This is a main program for a .NET console app that uses default .NET string comparison on your test data:
internal class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var lo = "9958";
var hi = "99585";
var strings = new List<string>{ "9958", "99581", "99585" };
CheckIt(lo, hi, strings);
lo = "30789";
hi = "310100";
strings = new List<string>{ "30789", "30790", "31000" };
CheckIt(lo, hi, strings);
lo = "81190";
hi = "81190ZZ";
strings = new List<string>{ "81190", "81190A", "81190AA", "81190B", "81190C", "81190AB", "81190ZZ" };
CheckIt(lo, hi, strings);
static void CheckIt(string lo, string hi, List<string> strings)
foreach(var s in strings)
Console.WriteLine($"{s} >= {lo} <= {hi}: {s.CompareTo(lo) >= 0 && s.CompareTo(hi) <= 0}");
All outputs are True
. Of course you could write better test code and perhaps use a unit test approach but this is a simple example to get you started.
Note: although it may seem like a trivial topic, I hope sorting strings is a thing I hope all developers have pondered and explored for a few hours at some point in their learning. For instance, you should know why "1" could sort before "10" when sorted as a string, or whether "a" comes before "A". Once you understand this well enough, many other things start to makes sense (and other good questions comes to mind, such as does a with an accent in spanish come before a without an accent ... ?)