
Django- how to convert <class 'django.core.files.uploadedfile.InMemoryUploadedFile'> to an image?

I have a form that uploads an image to my view; the uploaded image type is:

<class 'django.core.files.uploadedfile.InMemoryUploadedFile'>

I want to process the image though; thus I need it in PIL or CV2 format.

How can I do that ?


  • Django File actually implements all the required methods of a typical file object which needs. An InMemoryUploadedFile is a Django File.

    You can reopen the File in the correct mode and then pass it to This should suffice: [1]

    someFile: InMemoryUploadedFile = # •••Already has a value•••
    someFile ="b+")
    with as img:
        # •••Do something•••

    [1] The solution doesn’t copy the underlying bytes of the file object but simply passes a handle of it from one routine to another. BEWARE OF DATA RACES.