
How to delete zoom controll from the Map Container react leaflet. Im using react leaflet library

<MapContainer center={[, coord.lng]} zoom={10}>

    attribution='&copy;<a href="https//">OpenStreetMap<a/> contributors'

//I need this zoom control but i have another in the map container and i need to delete it
<RecenterAutomatically lat={} lng={coord.lng} />

enter image description here here i have 2 of them


  • You can set the zoomControl attribute of the <MapContainer> component to false to remove the default zoom control and define your own:

    <MapContainer center={[52.4498, -1.6]} zoom={10} zoomControl={false}>
        <ZoomControl position="bottomleft" />

    There's a StackBlitz here that removes the default zoom control and uses the one I added in the JSX instead (which puts it in the bottom left).