I Have a query-
WITH dataset(ns, tid, nid, type) AS ( values ('PQR', 'ITKT20254', 'A','X'),
('PQR', 'ITKT20223', 'A','X'),
('PQR', 'ABCD23456', 'B','X'),
('PQR', 'ABCD54321', 'B','X'),
('PQR', 'ITKT21111', 'A','X'),
('PQR', 'ITKT20000', 'A','Y')
select ns,nid,
cast(row(tradelist , res1) as row(tid array(varchar),res varchar)) as finalMap
(select ns,nid,tradelist,res1
from (
select ns,nid,
array_agg(cast(tid as varchar)) as tradelist,
'not include' as res1 from
(select ns,nid,tid from dataset where type='X' )
group by ns, nid
select ns,nid,
array_agg(cast(tid as varchar)) as tradelist,
'include' as res1 from
(select ns,nid, tid from dataset where type='Y' )
group by ns, nid
Getting the result-
ns nid finalMap
PQR A {tid=[ITKT20254, ITKT20223, ITKT21111], res=not include}
PQR A {tid=[ITKT20000], res=include}
PQR B {tid=[ABCD23456, ABCD54321], res=not include}
Expected output-
ns nid finalMap
PQR A [{tid=[ITKT20254, ITKT20223, ITKT21111], res=not include},{tid=[ITKT20000], res=include}]
PQR B [{tid=[ABCD23456, ABCD54321], res=not include}]
I'm trying to modify the query to get above format. but getting errors in array_agg function
Not sure why you have not used my previous answer but for this one try:
select ns, nid,
transform(array['include', 'not include'] -- "generated" values
,t -> cast(row(tids, t) as row(tid array(varchar), res varchar))) as finalMap
from (select ns,
array_agg(tid) tids
from dataset
group by ns, nid);
Since you generate the include/not include
pair you can just use transform
to generate corresponding rows
ns | nid | finalMap |
PQR | A | [{tid=[ITKT20254, ITKT20223, ITKT21111], res=include}, {tid=[ITKT20254, ITKT20223, ITKT21111], res=not include}] |
PQR | B | [{tid=[ABCD23456, ABCD54321], res=include}, {tid=[ABCD23456, ABCD54321], res=not include}] |
Just add grouping and array_agg
select ns,nid,
array_agg(cast(row(tradelist , res1) as row(tid array(varchar),res varchar))) as finalMap
(select ns,nid,tradelist,res1
from (
select ns,nid,
array_agg(cast(tid as varchar)) as tradelist,
'not include' as res1 from
(select ns,nid,tid from dataset where type='X' )
group by ns, nid
select ns,nid,
array_agg(cast(tid as varchar)) as tradelist,
'include' as res1 from
(select ns,nid, tid from dataset where type='Y' )
group by ns, nid
group by ns, nid
ns | nid | finalMap |
PQR | A | [{tid=[ITKT20254, ITKT20223, ITKT21111], res=not include}, {tid=[ITKT20000], res=include}] |
PQR | B | [{tid=[ABCD23456, ABCD54321], res=not include}] |