
How to track if Angular patchValue is already finished?

At the beginning of the application, i get server data and patch it to my form. Afterwards i would like to mark my form as pristine, so i can disable the submit button until user changes something. The problem is that patching takes so much time that i cant set my form as pristine. Only with setTimeout i can accomplish that which is a terrible solution. Any ideas how could i track if the patching is over or any alternative solution ? Thanks !

here i m trying to patch and than mark as pristine :

private _loadFormData() {
    if (this.detail) {
      setTimeout(() => this.caseOverviewForm.markAsPristine(),3000)

UPDATE : carried the setTimeout here, works a bit faster

 private _loadDynamicFormOptions(): void {
        this.categoryList$ = this.service
          .pipe(mapAndPatch(this.caseOverviewForm, FormFields.category,!));
        this.subCategoryList$ =
          this._updateSubDropDownList(FormFields.category, FormFields.subCategory, OptionsType.caseCategory)?.pipe(
            mapAndPatch(this.caseOverviewForm, FormFields.subCategory,!),
          ) ?? of([]);
        setTimeout(() => this.caseOverviewForm.markAsPristine())

Here trying to disable submit button

      [disabled]="caseOverviewForm.invalid || caseOverviewForm.pristine"


  • You have some other asynchronous actions which mark the form as dirty again. To get the right timing, you can use combineLatest:

    private _loadDynamicFormOptions(): void {
      this.categoryList$ = this.service
        .pipe(mapAndPatch(this.caseOverviewForm, FormFields.category,!));
      this.subCategoryList$ =
        this._updateSubDropDownList(FormFields.category, FormFields.subCategory, OptionsType.caseCategory)?.pipe(
          mapAndPatch(this.caseOverviewForm, FormFields.subCategory,!),
        ) ?? of([]);
      combineLatest(this.categoryList$, this.subCategoryList$)
        .subscribe(() => this.caseOverviewForm.markAsPristine());