I have four different ways of calculating a row-wise dot product in a julia dataframe.
using Random, DataFrames, BenchmarkTools, LinearAlgebra
df = DataFrame(rand(Float64, (6,6)), :auto)
a(x) = dot.(eachrow((x[:, Cols(Between(:x1, :x2))])), eachrow((x[:, Cols(Between(:x3, :x4))])))
b(x) = diag(Matrix(x[:, Cols(Between(:x1, :x2))]) * Matrix(x[:, Cols(Between(:x3, :x4))])')
c(x) = select(x, Between(:x1, :x4) => ByRow((x1, x2, x3, x4) -> dot([x1,x2], [x3, x4])))
d(x) = transform(x, Between(:x1, :x4) => ByRow((x1, x2, x3, x4) -> dot([x1,x2], [x3, x4])))
@btime a(df);
@btime b(df);
@btime c(df);
@btime d(df);
I much prefer the last two (c(), d()) as I personally find them easier to read. Regretfully, they are much slower (the real dataframe I am working with is much larger than the example provided). I would like to know if there is trick I am missing in the last two implementations.
When I use your code but increase the size the ranking is changing as there is some overhead when using subset
. This still could be speed up when subsetting the dataframe to return vectors. I get the fastet runs when using AxisArrays
using Random, DataFrames, BenchmarkTools, LinearAlgebra, TypedTables, NamedArrays, AxisArrays
a(x) = dot.(eachrow((x[:, Cols(Between(:x1, :x2))])), eachrow((x[:, Cols(Between(:x3, :x4))])))
b(x) = diag(Matrix(x[:, Cols(Between(:x1, :x2))]) * Matrix(x[:, Cols(Between(:x3, :x4))])')
c(x) = select(x, Between(:x1, :x4) => ByRow((x1, x2, x3, x4) -> dot([x1,x2], [x3, x4])))
d(x) = transform(x, Between(:x1, :x4) => ByRow((x1, x2, x3, x4) -> dot([x1,x2], [x3, x4])))
e(x) = map(row -> dot([row.x1, row.x2], [row.x3, row.x4]), Table(x)) # @user9712582
f(x) = dot.(eachrow(x[:,1:2]), eachrow(x[:,3:4]))
g(x) = dot.(eachrow(x[:,[:x1, :x2]]), eachrow(x[:,[:x3, :x4]]))
h(x) = dot.(eachrow([x[:,:x1] x[:,:x2]]), eachrow([x[:,:x3] x[:,:x4]]))
i(x) = sum(x[:, 1:2] .* x[:, 3:4], dims=2)
j(x) = x[:, 1] .* x[:, 3] .+ x[:, 2] .* x[:, 4]
n = 100000 # Number of Rows
y = rand(Float64, (n,6))
df = DataFrame(y, :auto)
na = NamedArray(y, (1:n, propertynames(df)))
aa = AxisArray(y, 1:n, propertynames(df))
@btime a($df); # 76.350 ms (2298034 allocations: 44.99 MiB)
@btime b($df); # OutOfMemoryError()
@btime c($df); # 6.536 ms (200271 allocations: 16.03 MiB)
@btime d($df); # 7.055 ms (200300 allocations: 20.61 MiB)
@btime e($df); # 6.503 ms (200018 allocations: 16.02 MiB)
@btime f($df); # 75.219 ms (2298009 allocations: 44.99 MiB)
@btime f($na); # 1.754 s (6299125 allocations: 343.37 MiB)
@btime f($aa); # 1.520 ms (8 allocations: 3.81 MiB)
@btime f($y); # 2.133 ms (6 allocations: 3.81 MiB)
@btime g($df); # 75.158 ms (2298013 allocations: 44.99 MiB)
@btime g($na); # 1.746 s (6299121 allocations: 343.37 MiB)
@btime g($aa); # 1.540 ms (22 allocations: 3.82 MiB)
@btime h($df); # 2.578 ms (17 allocations: 6.87 MiB)
@btime h($na); # 1.751 s (6299278 allocations: 364.03 MiB)
@btime h($aa); # 2.600 ms (14 allocations: 6.87 MiB)
@btime i($y); # 1.417 ms (12 allocations: 5.34 MiB)
@btime j($df); # 492.200 μs (13 allocations: 3.82 MiB)
@btime j($y); # 637.600 μs (10 allocations: 3.81 MiB)
@btime j($aa); # 632.800 μs (10 allocations: 3.81 MiB)
n = 6
y = rand(Float64, (n,6))
df = DataFrame(y, :auto)
na = NamedArray(y, (1:n, propertynames(df)))
aa = AxisArray(y, 1:n, propertynames(df))
@btime a($df); # 7.967 μs (155 allocations: 6.41 KiB)
@btime b($df); # 5.400 μs (63 allocations: 5.11 KiB)
@btime c($df); # 99.000 μs (280 allocations: 13.92 KiB)
@btime d($df); # 102.500 μs (298 allocations: 15.00 KiB)
@btime e($df); # 3.913 μs (29 allocations: 1.88 KiB)
@btime f($df); # 7.050 μs (130 allocations: 5.06 KiB)
@btime f($na); # 104.900 μs (448 allocations: 25.45 KiB)
@btime f($aa); # 373.913 ns (5 allocations: 560 bytes)
@btime f($y); # 255.890 ns (3 allocations: 432 bytes)
@btime g($df); # 7.250 μs (134 allocations: 5.34 KiB)
@btime g($na); # 104.900 μs (444 allocations: 25.39 KiB)
@btime g($aa); # 980.000 ns (19 allocations: 1.70 KiB)
@btime h($df); # 703.448 ns (10 allocations: 1008 bytes)
@btime h($na); # 180.800 μs (531 allocations: 30.09 KiB)
@btime h($aa); # 524.084 ns (7 allocations: 880 bytes)
@btime i($y); # 348.131 ns (8 allocations: 672 bytes)
@btime j($df); # 361.244 ns (8 allocations: 672 bytes)
@btime j($y); # 159.030 ns (5 allocations: 560 bytes)
@btime j($aa); # 263.174 ns (5 allocations: 560 bytes)