I found that SimpleCov always flags all standard (i.e. nothing fancy like custom method validations) validations in the model(s) to be "fully hit / tested". This confuses me as I would've thought that one should be writing tests to hit every (single) validation (if one was so minded) in the models - but no, with no (sensible) tests written, simplecov shows all model validations as tested.
I'm new to rails and testing so apologies if it's something very fundamental and obvious. I've spent like a day running around this issue, found a few interesting issues that have been resolved but still struggle to understand it.
Setup: default Rails 7.0.3, Ruby 3.0.3, program using rspec for testing & simplecov for coverage tracking. I've replicated this using a simple rails new
project with the default devise user model where I've added title
, first_nama
, and last_name
fields to the user model, and required the title
field via a simple validation in the model.
# 20221102142351_add_name_to_users.rb
class AddNameToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]
def change
add_column :users, :title, :string
add_column :users, :first_name, :string
add_column :users, :last_name, :string
# user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
# Include default devise modules. Others available are:
# :confirmable, :lockable, :timeoutable, :trackable and :omniauthable
devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,
:recoverable, :rememberable, :validatable
validates :title, presence: true
Problem encountered: without writing a single line in the user_spec.rb
file (i.e. with no tests), simplecov tells me that validates :title, presence: true
has been hit. I know this is kinda of trivial here, but it's less trivial if one has several models and a lot of (standard) validations.
If you want to replicate this:
file - and don't forget the next pointrspec spec
)An error occurred while loading ./spec/models/user_spec.rb. - Did you mean?
rspec ./spec/spec_helper.rb
Failure/Error: require_relative '../config/environment'
cannot load such file -- addressable/uri
You can play around with the user model spec file, but irrespective of what you do, the validates :title, presence: true
always lights as as "hit".
How does one / simplecov "know" when the (model) validations have "truly" been tested?
# user_spec.rb
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe User, type: :model do
# pending "add some examples to (or delete) #{__FILE__}"
describe "User validations" do
it "should be valid for a user with all fields filled out" do
@valid_user = User.new(email: "test@test.com", password: "testtest", title: "Mr", first_name: "Jack", last_name: "Sparrow")
expect(@valid_user.valid?).to be true
it "should be invalid for a user without a title" do
@invalid_user = User.new(email: "test@test.com", password: "testtest", first_name: "Jack", last_name: "Sparrow")
expect(@invalid_user.valid?).to be false
This is because the lines are part of the class body and not a function that is being called. All you have to do to get "coverage" is to have the class itself invoked by the Zeitwerk loader, by referencing the class name via RSpec.describe User
This would also be true in controllers for things like before_action lines or other helper methods that live at the class level. We notice them less because our models tend to be much more heaviliy decorated with class level method calls.