I'm sure many have come across this question, but I couldn't find any solutions for non-windows machines.
I need to prepare a Python script that can run on Linux (multiple versions) as well as On Windows machines. The script should read a PPT file, and convert it into a PDF, then convert the PDF into images. I can achieve the second part (PDF to images), but I can't achieve the first part (PPT to PDF).
Can anyone please help me to achieve this?
I tried Spire and Aspose, but both of them are commercial and we need to pay. Python pptx doesn't support conversion. Win32 is not available in Linux.
I am at a dead end.
This is the code I used to achieve the above (both the first and second parts) using the spire library, but it doesn't convert more than 10 pages.
!pip install Spire.Presentation
# Function to convert PPT to Images
def ppt_to_images(ppt_file, destination_folder):
presentation = Presentation()
presentation_name = ppt_file.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
#Save PPT document to images
for i, slide in enumerate(presentation.Slides):
file_name = presentation_name + '_' + str(i) + ".png"
image = slide.SaveAsImage()
image.Save(destination_folder + '/' + file_name)
return None
ppt_to_images("/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/DummyPPTs/dummy_powerpoint.pptx", OUTPUT_FOLDER)
Calling the above function using
ppt_to_images("/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/DummyPPTs/dummy_powerpoint.pptx", OUTPUT_FOLDER)
Try this code to convert any pptx file to pdf
import subprocess
import os
def convert_pptx_to_pdf(input_path, output_dir):
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
# Construct the command to convert pptx to pdf
command = [
# Execute the command
subprocess.run(command, check=True)
print(f'Converted {input_path} to PDF and saved in {output_dir}')
# Specify the path to the .pptx file and the output directory
pptx_path = 'presentation.pptx'
output_directory = 'Desktop'
# Convert the .pptx file to PDF
convert_pptx_to_pdf(pptx_path, output_directory)