
How can I use Redis to return file data as range requests?

I am in the process of replacing a basic file serving API call which looks like this:

return Results.File("myfile.pdf", MediaTypeNames.Application.Pdf, enableRangeProcessing: true);

If I store "myfile.pdf" as a byte array (AKA string?) in Redis, how can I later serve the file in a similar as I currently am?

Does Redis have the ability to return a string as a stream, and if it does, do range requests on that stream work as expected? (only transferring the minimum bytes required to fulfil the range request)


  • You can't stream as such, but you can read the contents of the string in chunks using the StringLength and StringGetRange methods in StackExchange.Redis.

    Wrapping this is a stream wouldn't be a terribly difficult exercise. And, honestly, if you're so inclined, wouldn't be a terrible open-source project. 😉