
How can I use Thymeleaf to add an aria-label to a link for accessibility purposes?

I am working on improving the accessibility on a web page that is using Thymeleaf (version 3.0.11.RELEASE) and would like to add an aria-label attribute to a hyperlink. The current version of the code snippet which gives me a parse error looks something like:

<dd th:each="facet : ${facetField.values}">
  <a th:with="facetParams=|${'_facet', '')}=&quot;${}&quot;|"
     th:href="@{${path}(c=${page.size}, fq=${facetParam})}${snapshotUrlParams}${collection}|"
     th:aria-label="the ${} facet in the ${collection} collection has ${facet.count} hits"
     th:text="${}" />
  <span class="facetCount" aria-hidden="true" th:text="|(${#numbers.formatInteger(facet.count, 0, 'COMMA')})|" />

The parser doesn't like the th:aria-label line. I have also tried th:attr="aria-label=...etc...". It is possible that I've used the wrong syntax or characters to specify my string. I've been through several iterations; I'll either get a parse error or the arguments don't expand into actual values, which is what I'm looking to happen. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • Not sure what you tried, but this is working for me:

    th:attr="aria-label=|the ${} facet in the ${collection} collection has ${facet.count} hits|"

    The complete would look like this (though I didn't test the rest of your attributes).

    <dd th:each="facet : ${facetField.values}">
      <a th:with="facetParams=|${'_facet', '')}=&quot;${}&quot;|"
         th:href="@{${path}(c=${page.size}, fq=${facetParam})}${snapshotUrlParams}${collection}|"
         th:attr="aria-label=|the ${} facet in the ${collection} collection has ${facet.count} hits|"
         th:text="${}" />
      <span class="facetCount" aria-hidden="true" th:text="|(${#numbers.formatInteger(facet.count, 0, 'COMMA')})|" />