
Build errors when using d3 in a sharepoint 2019 spfx environment

I have a devenvironment setup for Sharepoint 2019/SPSE and i can create webparts but have problem when using d3.js. Adding import * as d3 from 'd3' generates a bunch of type-errors when running gulp build. (sample below of errors).

Error - typescript - node_modules\@types\d3-array\index.d.ts(35,79): error TS1005: ';' expected.
[12:05:27] Error - typescript - node_modules\@types\d3-array\index.d.ts(35,94): error TS1005: ',' expected.
[12:05:27] Error - typescript - node_modules\@types\d3-array\index.d.ts(48,13): error TS1005: ')' expected.
[12:05:27] Error - typescript - node_modules\@types\d3-scale-chromatic\index.d.ts(40,34): error TS1005: '=' expected.

Checking file with error the syntax is correct.

I have tried older version of d3 and d3types. Specifying a specific d3 function in d3 import. Still get error from functions that isn't imported, ex d3-array.

if i click on a error in console like: Error - typescript - node_modules/@types/d3-scale-chromatic/index.d.ts(8,40): error TS1005: '=' expected. It seems to have no relation to the error described.

Rows from 1 - 8 looks like this:

  1. // Last module patch version validated against: 1.5.0
  2. // ------------------------------------------------------------
  3. // Categorical
  4. // ------------------------------------------------------------
  5. **
    • An array of ten categorical colors represented as RGB hexadecimal strings.
  6. **/


  • Problem solved. Even though its solved the main problem is the fact its almost not possible to develope spfx-solutions for Sharepoint 2019/SE in a proper way.

    Versions is stuck back in 2018, a build generates about 800 varnings for vulnerabilities/deprecated modules. MS has no intention to update spfx for on premise Sharepoint :-(

    My dirty fix was to install older versions of types-files aimed for TS 2.4