
Regex.Replace in with regex replacement value

I have a file where i have several recurrence of this


and so on I want to replace with div1 , div2 , ...

In my case both pattern and replacement are regular expression This is the code I wrote

newstr = Regex.Replace(strFile, "div\.\d","div\d")

But it is replacing as following:

div.1  div\d
div.2  div\d

and so on

Any suggestions?

Regex is finding the pattern in the whole file but it is replacing it incorrectly as if replacement is considered as text and not regex.

I have tried in replacement value : $1 , div\d+$ both same result


  • Try:


    and replace with empty string.

    See: regex101

    Your issue is that you match the whole string and replace it with the same literal string div\d. This way you only match the literal . and keep your number in place as you "do not touch" it.
