When using universal links and Go Router if I have a webpage such as www.mywebsite.com/factfile/MickeyMouse please can you tell me how to pass the string "MickeyMouse" to a class? (or how to send the whole page path and I can just extract the string after the forward slash in the class?)
I was thinking something like:
final router = GoRouter(
routes: [
path: '/',
builder: (_, __) => Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('Home Screen')),
routes: [
path: 'factfile/*',
builder: (_, __) => ShowFactfile(path:path),
Thank you for any pointers,
I think you would just use:
path: 'factfile/*',
builder: (_, state) => ShowFactfile(path: state.path),
I got it from the GoRouter documentation. They have more ways of getting the url path other than state.path
This will probably give you factfile/MickeyMouse
so you can split the string and extract MickeyMouse like: