I've made a vba macro to collect BoE data.
As part of my macro I have a button that removes a row of data from one sheet, alongside an entire other sheet.
Dim btn As button
Dim btnName As String
Dim actionStr As String
btnName = buttonText & "_" & sheetName ' Use sheet name for unique identifier
Set btn = ws.Buttons.Add(ws.Cells(buttonRow, buttonColumn).Left, ws.Cells(buttonRow, buttonColumn).Top, ws.Cells(buttonRow, buttonColumn).Width, ws.Cells(buttonRow, buttonColumn).Height)
With btn
.OnAction = "'" & buttonMacro & " """ & sheetName & """'"
.Caption = buttonText
.Name = btnName
This was all working perfectly fine yesterday, but today when trying to run it I get the following error:
I have literally no idea what could be causing this error at this point, and would appreciate any advice - thanks!
I've tried every possible way of writing the .OnAction line with literally no success - leading me to think the issue might lie elsewhere. Just strange given it was working yesterday
As mentioned in my comment, this seems like a bug. It's the first time I've seen this trick of enclosing the name of the macro and the parameter between single quotes. If you had asked me, I would have said that it's not possible to pass an argument via OnAction
for a worksheet button. This technique you used is an interesting hack, but it's fragile since closing and re-opening the Excel file breaks the button.
I was able to reproduce this bug systematically by doing the following:
- Create a new workbook
- Add a new module and paste this simplified code
- Run
- Test the button to make sure it works
- Save and close the workbook
- Re-open the workbook and click the button
- You should then see the same error message as OP
(Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2406 Build 16.0.17726.20078) 64-bit)
A workaround would simply be to not pass any arguments, but use Application.Caller
to extract the name of the sheet from the name of the button:
Sub CreateButton2()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
Dim Btn As Button
Set Btn = ws.Buttons.Add(0, 0, 100, 25)
With Btn
.OnAction = "TestMacro2"
.Caption = "Test2"
.Name = "TestButton2_" & ws.Name
End With
Set Btn = Nothing
End Sub
Sub TestMacro2()
MsgBox Right(Application.Caller, Len(Application.Caller) - InStr(Application.Caller, "_"))
End Sub