I am building a spring boot based command line utility written in java for teams in my organization. I will have to allow teams to pass arbitrary command line args that can contain spaces.
I tried looking up any third party libraries or libraries from Spring that can do this but I am not able to find any that can can parse args the way I want it.
java -jar client.jar --args='a=Car b=Truck c="Car faster than Truck" d="Car faster than all"'
In my command line utility I would like to get the args.
c=Car faster than Truck
d=Car faster than all
I tried using regex to split by spaces and as you can tell it wouldnt work. I think splitting it based on spaces wouldnt work too.
What would be the efficient way to parse these args?
Now I don't know anything about Spring-Boot but I'm going to take a chance here that the command line is similar to pretty much anything else. The overall goal here is to split the command-line string based on a whitespace but, not within double quote marks. You can do this with regex using a Positive Lookahead expression and the String#split() method. Below is a simple example (be sure to read the comments in code):
/* Splits the supplied command-line string based on one (or more)
whitespace(s) but, not those that are contained within double
quote marks. This utilizes a Positive Lookahead regular expression
for the String#split() method. If you want an explanation of
the regex used below, then copy/Paste:
into the Regular Expression bar in https://regex101.com/ */
String argsString = "'a=Car b=Truck c=\"Car faster than Truck\" d=\"Car faster than all\"'";
String regex = "\\s{1,}(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)";
/* Not exactly sure if the single quotes at the beginnind and end
of of the overall command-line is actually delivered, so the `if`
block below removes them. If they are not part of the overall
command-line string then you can just delete this `if` block. */
if (argsString.startsWith("'") && argsString.endsWith("'")) {
argsString = argsString.substring(1, argsString.length() - 1);
// Create an array of the provided command-line arguments:
String[] args = argsString.split(regex, -1);
/* If you want, remove the double-quote marks from tag values
within command-line elements: */
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
/* Done this way in case there are nested double-quote marks
(for whatever reason) within the command line Tag Values.
nested double-quote marks are NOT parsed out: */
String[] tmp = args[i].split("=");
if (tmp[1].startsWith("\"") && tmp[1].endsWith("\"")) {
args[i] = tmp[0] + "=" + tmp[1].substring(1, tmp[1].length() - 1);
// Display the command-line elements within the console window:
for (String str : args) {
/* Further parsing would be to split each arg element
based on the "=" character: */
System.out.println("Tag/Value Delimiter: =");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("");
for (String arg : args) {
String[] elements = arg.split("=");
"Argument Tag: -> %-5s Argument Value: -> %-25s%n",
elements[0], elements[1]
If this code is tasked then you should see something like what is displayed below within the console window:
c=Car faster than Truck
d=Car faster than all
Tag/Value Delimiter: =
Argument Tag: -> a Argument Value: -> Car
Argument Tag: -> b Argument Value: -> Truck
Argument Tag: -> c Argument Value: -> Car faster than Truck
Argument Tag: -> d Argument Value: -> Car faster than all