
DAX Query Issue: Calculating Current Value using Previous Row's Calculated Value

I have a dataset representing battery state changes, and I need to calculate the ResidualCapacity for each state change. The ResidualCapacity should be calculated as the previous ResidualCapacity plus the current ChargeVariation, without exceeding an UpperBound of 80.

Here's the structure of my table with the correct **ResidualCapacity**value:

ChangeState ChargeVariation ResidualCapacity
1 70 70
2 -5 65
3 20 80
4 -10 70
5 -5 65

My goal is for ResidualCapacity to always be the previous ResidualCapacity plus the current ChargeVariation, but it should never exceed the UpperBound of 80.

I've written the following DAX query, but it returns an incorrect result for the last value of ResidualCapacity (it returns 70 instead of 65):

ResidualCapacity = 
    VAR UpperBound = 80
    VAR CurrentVariation = 'Table'[ChargeVariation]
    VAR CurrentState = 'Table'[ChangeState]

    VAR PervVariationRT = 
                'Table'[ChangeState] < CurrentState

    VAR Result =
        MIN(CurrentVariation + MIN(PervVariationRT, UpperBound), UpperBound)


Output WrongResidualCapacity

How can I modify this query to correctly calculate the ResidualCapacity calculated column for each state change?


  • Disclaimer: I received a solution in the Fabric community. Here is the link to the solution.

    For those interested, below is a comment on the various solutions tested between those received here on Stack Overflow and those from the Fabric community.

    As I mentioned in the Fabric community in response to Greg_Deckler's solution, the real table is composed of 61K rows divided into different proportions over 16 different IDs and is structured as follows:

    ID Index Value
    A 1 ...
    A ... ...
    A N ...
    --- --- ---
    P 1 ...
    P ... ...
    P N ...

    I tested the various proposed codes and these are my comments: