
Smartsheet Python API unlock rows 1-30 from 40 sheets

I have approximately 40 sheets contained in a folder, and each one of these sheets have rows locked for editing from row 3 to row 45 (approx). I'm trying to make a python script using the Smartsheet Python API that iterates into each sheet of that folder, and once inside the sheet, unlocks the entire row 3 to 45, and then proceeds with the same action in the next sheet of the folder.

My code is as follows:

import smartsheet
access_token = '2vdafasdfadfasdfasdf'
client = smartsheet.Smartsheet(access_token)
# ID de la carpeta que contiene las hojas
folder_id = '123456789'  # Reemplaza con el ID de tu carpeta

def unlock_rows(sheet_id, start_row, end_row):
    sheet = client.Sheets.get_sheet(sheet_id)
    rows_to_update = []

    for row in sheet.rows[start_row-1:end_row]:
        # Modify the actual Row object
        row.locked = False
        rows_to_update.append(row)  # Append the modified Row object

    # Actualiza las filas en la hoja
    response = client.Sheets.update_rows(sheet_id, rows_to_update)
    if response.message == 'SUCCESS':
        print(f"Unlocked rows {start_row} to {end_row} in sheet {}")
        print(f"Failed to unlock rows in sheet {}: {response}")

# Obtén todas las hojas en la carpeta
folder = client.Folders.get_folder(folder_id)
sheets = folder.sheets

# Itera sobre cada hoja y desbloquea las filas
for sheet in sheets:
    sheet_id =
    unlock_rows(sheet_id, 3, 30)  # Ajusta el rango de filas si es necesario

print("Rows unlocked successfully.")

When I run the script, I get this result from Python:

{"response": {"statusCode": 400, "reason": "Bad Request", "content": {"errorCode": 1008, "message": "Unable to parse request.", "refId": "36e3d096-06fd-4042-adc6-aa14c2e4aa77"}}}
Failed to unlock rows in sheet HOJAPRUEBA1: {"result": {"code": 1008, "errorCode": 1008, "message": "Unable to parse request.", "name": "ApiError", "recommendation": "Do not retry without fixing the problem. ", "refId": "36e3d096-06fd-4042-adc6-aa14c2e4aa77", "shouldRetry": false, "statusCode": 400}}
Rows unlocked successfully.


  • This error is likely being caused by the fact that you cannot use the Row objects from a Get Sheet response within an Update Rows request. The reason for this is that the Row objects that are returned within a Get Sheet response contain several read-only properties (i.e., properties that cannot be updated) -- for example, properties like created-date. So when you take a Row object from a Get Sheet response (which contains a mix of read-only properties and updateable properties) and try to use it within an Update Rows request, Smartsheet returns an error -- because it does not allow read-only properties within an Update Rows request.

    The fix for this is simple -- just create a new Row object for each row you want to update in the sheet -- in your case, populating only 2 properties in each Row object: id and locked. And add each newly created Row object to the rows_to_update collection within the for loop that's processing the rows.

    In your code, this means replacing this for block:

    for row in sheet.rows[start_row-1:end_row]:
        # Modify the actual Row object
        row.locked = False
        rows_to_update.append(row)  # Append the modified Row object

    With this for block instead:

    for row in sheet.rows[start_row-1:end_row]:
        # Build the updated Row object
        row_to_update = smartsheet.models.Row() =
        row_to_update.locked = False
        # Add updated row to rows_to_update collection

    Here's your code again, updated to incorporate this suggested change:

    import smartsheet
    access_token = '2vdafasdfadfasdfasdf'
    client = smartsheet.Smartsheet(access_token)
    # ID de la carpeta que contiene las hojas
    folder_id = '1250867123906436'  # Reemplaza con el ID de tu carpeta
    def unlock_rows(sheet_id, start_row, end_row):
        sheet = client.Sheets.get_sheet(sheet_id)
        rows_to_update = []
        for row in sheet.rows[start_row-1:end_row]:
            # Build the updated Row object
            row_to_update = smartsheet.models.Row()
            row_to_update.locked = False
            # Add updated row to rows_to_update collection
        # Actualiza las filas en la hoja
        response = client.Sheets.update_rows(sheet_id, rows_to_update)
        if response.message == 'SUCCESS':
            print(f"Unlocked rows {start_row} to {end_row} in sheet {}")
            print(f"Failed to unlock rows in sheet {}: {response}")      
    # Obtén todas las hojas en la carpeta
    folder = client.Folders.get_folder(folder_id)
    sheets = folder.sheets
    # Itera sobre cada hoja y desbloquea las filas
    for sheet in sheets:
        sheet_id =
        unlock_rows(sheet_id, 3, 30)  # Ajusta el rango de filas si es necesario
    print("Script complete.")

    Finally, a couple of notes about your print statements: