Extract parameter from request and return external URL using it

I want to capture a URL with a parameter and return an external site having the parameter as part of its URL. To simplify, I want this:

/google/<something> -><something>

How can I achieve this with Yarp?


  • You can use QueryRouteParameter: to set the route parameter as a query parameter. Here is an example for your reference:

      "ReverseProxy": {
        "Routes": {
          "route1": {
            "ClusterId": "cluster1",
            "Match": {
              "Path": "/WeatherForecast/PP/{**remainder}"
            "Transforms": [
                "PathRemovePrefix": "/WeatherForecast/PP"
                "PathSet": "/WeatherForecast/PP/"
                "QueryRouteParameter": "q",
                "Set": "remainder"
        "Clusters": {
          "cluster1": {
            "Destinations": {
              "destination1": {
                "Address": "https://localhost:7258"

    In this example, I set remainder as a query parameter:https://localhost:7258/WeatherForecast/PP as my target address. When I enter https://localhost:7247/WeatherForecast/PP/3 in the URL

    enter image description here

    It will jump to my target address:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here


      "ReverseProxy": {
        "Routes": {
          "route1": {
            "ClusterId": "cluster1",
            "Match": {
              "Path": "/google/{**remainder}"
            "Transforms": [
                "PathRemovePrefix": "/google"
                "PathSet": "/"
                "QueryRouteParameter": "q",
                "Set": "remainder"
        "Clusters": {
          "cluster1": {
            "Destinations": {
              "destination1": {
                "Address": ""

    When I enter the address https://localhost:7247/google/2, I will be redirected to

    enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here