In one mapper, I have this method
@Mapping(target = "n", source = "nome")
@Mapping(target = "c", source = "cognome")
@Mapping(target = "s", source = "sesso")
@Mapping(target = "CF", source = "codiceFiscaleOPartitaIva")
@Mapping(target = "co", source = "luogoNascita")
@Mapping(target = "p", source = "provinciaNascita")
@Mapping(target = "na", source = "nazioneNascita") // temporaneo
@Mapping(target = "d", source = "dataNascita", qualifiedByName = "XMLGregorianCalendarConvert")
@Mapping(target = "RSD", source = "denominazione")
@Mapping(target = "FN", source = "forzaNome")
@Mapping(target = "FC", source = "forzaCodiceFiscale")
@Mapping(target = "FCo", source = "forzaComune")
@Mapping(target = "NR", source = "numeroRea")
@Mapping(target = "PC", source = "provinciaCCIAA")
com.***.cmp.cgw.model.reportpersona.CAURequest.DI toDI(DittaIndividualeDTO source)
In another mapper, I have this method
@Mapping(target = "n", source = "nome")
@Mapping(target = "c", source = "cognome")
@Mapping(target = "s", source = "sesso")
@Mapping(target = "CF", source = "codiceFiscaleOPartitaIva")
@Mapping(target = "co", source = "luogoNascita")
@Mapping(target = "p", source = "provinciaNascita")
@Mapping(target = "na", source = "nazioneNascita") // temporaneo
@Mapping(target = "d", source = "dataNascita", qualifiedByName = "XMLGregorianCalendarConvert")
@Mapping(target = "RSD", source = "denominazione")
@Mapping(target = "FN", source = "forzaNome")
@Mapping(target = "FC", source = "forzaCodiceFiscale")
@Mapping(target = "FCo", source = "forzaComune")
@Mapping(target = "NR", source = "numeroRea")
@Mapping(target = "PC", source = "provinciaCCIAA")
com.***.cmp.cgw.model.reportimpresa.CAURequest.DI toDI(DittaIndividualeDTO source);
In this situation, how can I use only one configuration of mappings, to be shared between the two cases?
You can create an annotation that you annotate with these annotations. Then you annotate your methods with that new annotation.
For instance:
@Target({ ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE })
@Mapping(target = "n", source = "nome")
@Mapping(target = "c", source = "cognome")
@Mapping(target = "s", source = "sesso")
@Mapping(target = "CF", source = "codiceFiscaleOPartitaIva")
@Mapping(target = "co", source = "luogoNascita")
@Mapping(target = "p", source = "provinciaNascita")
@Mapping(target = "na", source = "nazioneNascita") // temporaneo
@Mapping(target = "d", source = "dataNascita", qualifiedByName = "XMLGregorianCalendarConvert")
@Mapping(target = "RSD", source = "denominazione")
@Mapping(target = "FN", source = "forzaNome")
@Mapping(target = "FC", source = "forzaCodiceFiscale")
@Mapping(target = "FCo", source = "forzaComune")
@Mapping(target = "NR", source = "numeroRea")
@Mapping(target = "PC", source = "provinciaCCIAA")
@interface DittaIndividualeDTOMappings {
com.***.cmp.cgw.model.reportpersona.CAURequest.DI toDI(DittaIndividualeDTO source)
com.***.cmp.cgw.model.reportimpresa.CAURequest.DI toDI(DittaIndividualeDTO source);
Note that your annotation needs the correct retention and target. I've used CLASS
retention because it's not necessary to access the annotation at runtime; it's also what MapStruct uses itself. For the target I've used METHOD
because only methods should get the mapping, and ANNOTATION_TYPE
so you can use it in other annotations as well.