
Open URL Only Works in Main Storyboard View Controller, Will Not Work in the Multiple Screen View Controllers

I have a single storyboard with 4 screens (segue to each ViewControllers).

An Open Url sequence WILL NOT WORK on any of the additional 3 screen ViewControllers. It only works on the main View Controller or on a separate storyboard (manual segue).

The View Controllers were created using Cocoa Touch Class: UIViewController.

Throws this error: Thread 1: "[<UIViewController 0x10b318630> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key WebButton."

I've wiped all possible stray connections.

This code works perfectly fine ONLY on the main and separate storyboards:

@IBAction func GoToWebsite(_ sender: UIButton)  {
        if let url = URL(string: "") {
  , options: [:], completionHandler: nil)

I am missing some bit of information... Thank you.


  • SOLVED I deleted the three ScreenControllers and started again. This time, it worked.
