
How can I center the output of general R results in Quarto?

In a Quarto document that creates HTML output, I can print general R object and the results will be left aligned in Quarto. How can I center or right align general R objects? In addition, is there a way I could add a gray background to this output?

The code provided is from a default template Quarto file, and the image shows the results being left aligned by default.


Left aligned R output


  • Extending from this answer,

    title: "Test"
    format: html
    css: style.css
    #| classes: styled-output


    .styled-output .cell-output {
      background-color: #c8cac8;
    .styled-output .cell-output pre {
      max-width: fit-content;
      margin-left: auto;
      margin-right: auto;

    Output Screenshot