
Multiple argument style doesn't work in Tikz

I have the following code in Tikz



\tikzset {
  mystyle/.style = {
      text = white,
      shape = #1,
      ball color = #2


  \node[mystyle = {ellipse, green}]
  at (3, 4) (node1) {This is my node};


But when I run this I get an error message indicating 2 is an illegal parameter number in the declaration of my style. I don't see how to fix this. As far as I remember, arguments of styles are preceded by # character followed by a number in the style definition, no?


  • Ok I found the problem. Here is the correct syntax:

    \tikzset {
      mystyle/.style 2 args = {
          text = white,
          shape = #1,
          ball color = #2
      \node[mystyle = {ellipse}{green}]
      at (3, 4) (node1) {This is my node};

    Apparently, there is a more general syntax:

    For a style for with n arguments (n >= 1 and n <= 9) you write :

    \tikzset { StyleName/.style n args = {n} 
        { <... Your n arguments go here ...> } }

    So if we want to rewrite the same example above with, let's say, 4 arguments, this is how we can proceed:

    \tikzset {
      mystyle/.style n args = {4}{
          font = #1,
          text = #2,
          shape = #3,
          ball color = #4
      \node[mystyle = {\sffamily\bfseries}{blue}{ellipse}{green}]
      at (3, 4) (node1) {This is my node};

    I hope this might help those who might have encountered the same problem.