
Xcode 14.3 editor extremely slow. Always takes up about 20 - 30 GB of RAM

I just updated from XCode 13 to 14.3 and the sluggishness is really noticeable. I see the colourful wheel of doom running tests and it makes XCode 14.3 unresponsive for about 2-5 minutes. it happens when doing a lot of tasks in XCode even accessing the menu bar.

I did a lot of research. But did't find the right solution.

Xcode 14 slow incremental builds

Any advice would be great.


  • It seems like your project has a lot of warnings.You can consider the common warnings:

    So, To make xcodebuild run more faster, search for OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS in your build settings, then add the following flags:


    Then, clear all caches in folder ../DerivedData and the build should be pretty faster.

    Hope the above tips are useful to you.