I'm using Sentry to track errors on my app and I set custom tags when I initialize Sentry.
Sentry.setTag('custom', 'custom tag value');
Later on in the app, I need this custom tag value, is there a way for me to retrieve it back? I've tried Sentry.getTag('custom')
and it doesn't work. I've been looking at their documentation and I can't find any.
Sentry.getIsolationScope() gets you an object similar to this:
const a = Sentry.getIsolationScope()
a: Scope {
_notifyingListeners: false,
_scopeListeners: [],
_eventProcessors: [],
_breadcrumbs: [],
_attachments: [],
_user: {},
_tags: { custom: 'custom-value' },
_extra: {},
_contexts: {},
_sdkProcessingMetadata: {},
_propagationContext: {
traceId: 'some_id',
spanId: 'another_id'
_level: undefined,
_span: undefined,
_session: undefined,
_transactionName: undefined,
_fingerprint: undefined,
_requestSession: undefined,
_client: undefined