
How to delete old files and folders from azure app service manually?

I have my angular app deployed on Azure App Service, but when I deployed the new version of the application, the old files are not replaced by the new one and this causes 'Not Found error' for styles and fonts file in the deployed app, and I didn't got any particular instructions to do the same? so, how to remove the folders such as 'media', etc., from azure console.

I was trying to remove all the files from azure app service before redeploying the angular app to it.


  • You can delete the deployed files directly from KUDU Console.

    KUDU URL -

    For Windows App Service:

    KUDU =>Debug Console => CMD => C:\home\site\wwwroot>

    rmdir /S /Q SampleFolder

    enter image description here

    For Linux App Service:

    URL - => File Manager => site/wwwroot

    enter image description here