
jQuery Animated-Background/ Generate divs with random positioning and size

I have written a code with jQuery that generates six squares (divs). Each one of them has random size and positioning. I apply to each one a different css class in order to perform a slightly different animation. The program runs the way I want it to, but there's a lot of repetitiveness to it. I can't help to think it can be better optimized. I appreciate all the help and tips you can give me

//Generate a div with random width height
    var divsizeOne = ((Math.random()*100) + 50).toFixed();
    $newdivOne = $('<div/>').css({
        'background-color': '#cfdfe2',
    var divsizeTwo = ((Math.random()*100) + 50).toFixed();
    $newdivTwo = $('<div/>').css({
        'background-color': '#cfdfe2',
    var divsizeThree = ((Math.random()*100) + 50).toFixed();
    $newdivThree = $('<div/>').css({
        'background-color': '#cfdfe2',
    var divsizeFour = ((Math.random()*100) + 50).toFixed();
    $newdivFour = $('<div/>').css({
        'background-color': '#cfdfe2',
    var divsizeFive = ((Math.random()*100) + 50).toFixed();
    $newdivFive = $('<div/>').css({
        'background-color': '#cfdfe2',
    var divsizeSix = ((Math.random()*100) + 50).toFixed();
    $newdivSix = $('<div/>').css({
        'background-color': '#cfdfe2',

    //Genarate random position for divs
    var posxOne = (Math.random() * ($(document).width() - divsizeOne)).toFixed();
    var posxTwo = (Math.random() * ($(document).width() - divsizeTwo)).toFixed();
    var posxThree = (Math.random() * ($(document).width() - divsizeThree)).toFixed();
    var posxFour = (Math.random() * ($(document).width() - divsizeFour)).toFixed();
    var posxFive = (Math.random() * ($(document).width() - divsizeFive)).toFixed();
    var posxSix = (Math.random() * ($(document).width() - divsizeSix)).toFixed();

    $newdivOne.addClass( "one" );
    $newdivTwo.addClass( "two" );
    $newdivThree.addClass( "three" );
    $newdivFour.addClass( "four" );
    $newdivFive.addClass( "five" );
    $newdivSix.addClass( "six" );

    }).appendTo( 'body' ).fadeIn(100).delay(9600).fadeOut(200, function(){

    }).appendTo( 'body' ).fadeIn(100).delay(9600).fadeOut(200, function(){

    }).appendTo( 'body' ).fadeIn(100).delay(8000).fadeOut(200, function(){

    }).appendTo( 'body' ).fadeIn(100).delay(16000).fadeOut(200, function(){


    }).appendTo( 'body' ).fadeIn(100).delay(10000).fadeOut(200, function(){

    }).appendTo( 'body' ).fadeIn(100).delay(12000).fadeOut(200, function(){

})(); I have uploaded my code at CodePen. You can go check it out so you can understand better what I'm trying to achieve.


  • Here is a much shorter script. Note the use of template literals

    The CSS has also been more streamlined using a custom property

    You may want to re-run the script on resize (with debouncing) to get a new document.width

    const createDiv = (index, delay) => {
      const divSize = ((Math.random() * 100) + 50).toFixed();
      const posX = (Math.random() * ($(document).width() - divSize)).toFixed();
      $('<div/>', {
        class: `div${index} ${["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six"][index]}`,
        css: {
          width: divSize + 'px',
          height: divSize + 'px',
          backgroundColor: '#cfdfe2',
          borderRadius: '5px',
          position: 'absolute',
          left: posX + 'px'
      }).appendTo('body').fadeIn(100).delay(delay).fadeOut(200, function() {
    [9600, 9600, 8000, 16000, 10000, 12000].forEach((delay, index) => createDiv(index, delay));
    * {
        padding: 0;
        margin: 0;
        font-family: "Montserrat", sans-serif;
        color: #d1d1d1;
        overflow: hidden;
    body {
        height: 100vh;
        width: 100%;
        background: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(26, 33, 64, 1), #479ab8, rgba(26, 33, 64, 1));
        background-size: 300% 300%;
        animation: color 12s ease-in-out infinite;
    @keyframes color {
        0%, 100% { background-position: 0 50%; }
        50% { background-position: 100% 50%; }
    @keyframes animateDiv {
        0% { opacity: 10%; top: -130px; transform: rotate(0deg); }
        20%, 60% { opacity: 90%; }
        40%, 80% { opacity: 10%; }
        100% { opacity: 90%; top: 150%; transform: rotate(var(--rotate)); }
    .one { --rotate: 650deg; animation: animateDiv 10s linear forwards; }
    .two { --rotate: 450deg; animation: animateDiv 12s linear forwards; }
    .three { --rotate: 900deg; animation: animateDiv 9s linear forwards; }
    .four { --rotate: 360deg; animation: animateDiv 20s linear forwards; }
    .five { --rotate: 1090deg; animation: animateDiv 12s linear forwards; }
    .six { --rotate: 840deg; animation: animateDiv 16s linear forwards; }
    <script src=""></script>